|☽☀︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗☀︎ ☽|

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!TW!: Mentions of blood, murder, panic attack(?)


{Friday Afternoon}

I dragged myself down the sidewalk and all the way to the park. I gave in. I didn't want to be home either. There was something in my room and it could possibly follow me throughout the house. I didn't want any part in it. But, what if it was following me? What if it was everywhere, no matter where I went? I calmed myself down before I got myself worked up.

When I got to the park, I walked around until I saw recognizable purple hair. I walked over to them. There was Light, Alex, Charli, and Jaxx. I stood next to Light and he looked over.

"Hey, Sora!" Light smiled at me.

I weakly smiled back, "Hi, Light!"

Everyone said their greetings and then we started talking. I couldn't exactly focus on them, so I didn't really talk much. All I could think about was everything that had happened this week. Now that I think back to it all, it was a lot. The visions, the hole, the thoughts I had of Remi, everything I was imagining with Jaxx, and more. It was a lot and it was all so odd. It didn't make sense at all.

We walked over to the playground and climbed up all the way to the top of the swings. I looked down from the bars of the park. It was empty. There weren't many people in the park, but there were people walking around and around on the track. The sun was setting, making red, orange, pink, and blue blend together in the sky with thin clouds in the air. I stared at a plane that slowly passed through the sky. Then, my name was called.

I turned and looked at them, humming in response.

"Are you okay?" Jaxx asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah, why?"

Light commented, "You're really quiet today."

I smiled and nodded again, "Yeah, I'm fine! Just staring at planes."

"Alright, if you say so," Light replied. They all went back to talking and I kind of joined in this time. I could actually focus on what they were saying without having to worry about much. 

After staying in the park for a while, we all spread out around. Jaxx and I stayed on the playground while everyone else went to the track. While they were all walking around, Jaxx and I talked a lot more. We actually talked about our pasts friendships, friend groups, and stuff like that. 

I subconsciously began talking about my past friends. I had a friend named Mason and we had a really good friendship, but after a few years, we ended things off because he soon became too popular and well-liked to hang out around me. I rambled and rambled about it, I even started insulting Mason. Sadly, he wasn't there to hear it. Then, I realized I was talking. I was talking a lot and probably told him more than I should've. I looked up at Jaxx.

He didn't seem surprised. He didn't seem worried. He didn't seem anything negative. If anything, he seemed interested. He was interested in what I was saying, like, he actually wanted to hear what I had to say...

"And? Keep going," He said, resting his head on his hand.

I felt my face warm up. No one, and I mean no one besides Light, has ever wanted to hear what I had to say. They didn't care for my stories, they didn't care for my problems, and they didn't care for anything I had to say or wanted to say. I felt... Special. In this one moment, I felt like I could actually say something. I smiled and continued rambling on about the guy. Jaxx stared at me with his beautiful, calming red eyes as I continued talking. I accidentally made eye contact with him at times, but that was okay.

As long as he was listening...

{Friday Evening: Walking Home}

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting off ever since... I don't even know!" Light asked me. "It's like a roller coaster!"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

Light explained, "Because, when you randomly ran off to the bathroom that one time then never came back. Then the other day when you were at your desk aggressively ripping up papers. Then, you were hella quiet today!"

He was right. I didn't even realize any of that. There was something wrong. I looked at Light as we walked on the sidewalk. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him everything, but I knew that I couldn't. He'd never see me the same again, and even more, he would never trust me again. I didn't answer him. I told him that I was fine. I felt I was. 

I wasn't. It started happening again. I blinked and everything changed. The sky was a dark grey with lighter grey clouds in the sky. I looked at the sidewalk and Light was lying down on his stomach. His hair was covering his face, messy and messed up. There was a pool of dark red blood under Light.

I quickly turned behind me and saw a trail of smudged blood following Light. I looked down at myself and saw a hammer in my hands. My hands were once again drenched in blood and there was blood on my clothing. I felt my breathing becoming uneasy. I quickly looked around to see if there was anyone else, but I couldn't see anyone. I felt myself panicking and I couldn't see anyone for feel anyone, no matter how far I reached my hands out.

Then, suddenly, "SORA!"

Quickly, I looked to where I heard my name, and everything was back to normal. The sky was the pink, orange, and purple blend it was, there was no blood on the sidewalk, and Light was standing, alive and worried. I looked at him and he stared at me, worry and concern filling his eyes.

I looked down, my clothes are fine. Everything was back to normal. I looked back up at Light. He walked over to me and looked at me.

"We're going to my house, alright?"

I sighed and nodded my head. I couldn't get out of this. I would have to explain because there was no way I could say "I'm fine" and he'd believe me. I followed Light as we started walking to his house. 

As we were walking, I felt something. I felt something cold pass through me. I quickly looked behind me to see if I could find anything, but I didn't see anything. I just saw trees, the sidewalk, and houses. I turned back around and continued walking.

Then, I felt something else. I looked up at Light. I don't know what it was, but I was... I don't know. I stared at the back of Light's head. I wanted something out of him. I stared and stared and felt as if whatever was inside of me boiled. I clenched my fists and suddenly thought about every time Light was close to Jaxx. Too many times... I know what I wanted. I tightened my jaw and continued to stare at Light.

I wanted one thing and one thing only...

I wanted him dead.


Published: January 7th, 2023

Word Count: 1191

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