|☽☀︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 6☀︎ ☽|

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{Thursday Afternoon}

~Sora's POV~

'Just one more minute...' I thought, staring at the clock. Finally, after so long, the bell finally rang. I quickly packed my stuff up and left the classroom without saying bye to anyone. I pushed through the crowd in the hallway to my locker.

When I arrived at my locker, I got everything I needed and closed it. I didn't bother to turn the knob to lock it. I didn't see Light anywhere, so I walked to the front of the school. Just before I walked out the door, I was stopped by someone calling out my name.

"Sora!" Jaxx walked up to me.

I smiled, "Hey, Jaxx!"

"How are you? We haven't really talked in a while," Jaxx said. 

"I'm good! What about you?"

Jaxx smiled, "Good as well!"

Talking to him again after about 2 weeks felt nice again. As if something had brightened inside of me. The jealousy washed away as if it was never there. I don't have a crush on him! I only miss talking to him, that's all.

Right as things were going well, Remi had come with that stupid cheery smile plastered onto her pale face. As soon as she stood by Jaxx, everything that had disappeared came back again. Jaxx hadn't said anything to her yet, but I knew exactly what was going to happen. 

I tried leaving, but then, Jaxx asked me something.

"Sora, if you'd like to, do you wanna walk with us?"

I immediately answered, "Of course, Yeah!"

"Okay! We'll be at the bottom of the stairs!

Jaxx and Remi left through the front doors as I got myself situated. After I adjusted things and made sure everything was on right, I left the building. I went down the stairs and met up with Remi and Jaxx. We started walking down the sidewalk that I'd usually go on.

The walk seemed longer than it'd usually be. I was more included in the conversation, but only a little bit. They were the main ones talking. I don't know what I could say that'd fit and wouldn't make things awkward. So, I just kept quiet. My headphones were on and walking alongside Jaxx. 

When we arrived on my street, I carefully crossed the street over to my house. I looked over at the two of them. Remi was still talking to Jaxx, but Jaxx was looking at me. He waved to me, then continued walking with her. I waved back as he left.

I walked into my house and went upstairs. I put my bag down as soon as I got into my room. I couldn't stay in here. I had too much energy now. I took my hoodie off and put my scarf back on. I walked out of my bedroom and went back down the stairs. Usually, whenever I got home, no one would be there.

I quickly slipped my shoes on and grabbed the keys hanging near the front door. I walked out of the house and started walking down the sidewalk. As I was walking, everything felt weird. I don't exactly know how, but it felt very off. As if there was something following me, watching me, I don't know.

Every chance I had, I'd quickly turn around to see if anyone was behind me. No one ever was. But, it also felt like no one was watching. I could've done whatever I wanted to do. No one would know or see. I just continued walking. I turned a corner and saw a group of girls. 

I had to pass by them. When I did, I heard that they were talking about Jaxx. Jaxx probably didn't even know them, but more jealousy was poured into my body once again. I took a deep breath and brushed it off. It was nothing major. I don't know why I was getting so worked up over it. I didn't like him! Not romantically, not at all! I just wanted to get closer to him. Friends... best friends... Best best friends...

I ended up in the middle of the soccer field that no one went to anymore. It looked ghosted. Like it was haunted or there was a history to it. It looked so weird. The bleachers were dull, the scoreboard was chipping and leaning. It looked awful. 

Then, as I was scanning the field, I noticed something weird behind the bleachers. I walked over to the bleachers. I went behind them and saw a really big hole. It was dug pretty deep and the soil was still next to the hole. It looked as if it were deep enough to fit a human being.

I looked around, then jumped into the hole. I was right. It fit a human being. Me, at least. I climbed out of the hole and looked back at it. Why was there a random hole behind the bleachers?

'Bring her here...'

I quickly looked around. No one is to be seen.

'No one would know...'

Quickly, I stood up and started speed-walking away. It was happening again. I don't know what they were, and I didn't know what to call them. But, for now, they're voices. Why am I hearing voices all of a sudden? Why do they want me to kill someone so badly?! 

Why do they want Remi dead?!

'Why do you want Remi dead, Sora?...'


Word count: 876

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