|☀︎︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4 ☀︎︎|

129 7 3

!TW!: Mentions of Murder


{Tuesday Afternoon}

~Sora's POV~

"What do they usually have here for lunch?"

I shrugged. "They're always changing it. It's always something different."

Jaxx nodded his head in response. We kept walking until we reached the cafeteria. I opened the door and walked in. I told Jaxx where to get his lunch from. He went up there to see if there was anything he wanted while I went to go find a seat.

As I sat down, I looked over to where Jaxx should've been. I saw him, but he wasn't alone. He was talking to someone. A girl. She was wearing a dark brown blazer with a matching necktie. Under the blazer seemed to be a white polo shirt tucked into a brown, plaid skirt that was raised a bit above her waist. To complete the outfit, she had over-knee socks with Mary Janes on. Her pale skin made her chestnut, brown hair and her brown, chocolate eyes stand out. She was talking to Jaxx with interest shining in her eyes. 

I knew she couldn't see me, but I glared at her. I barely knew Jaxx. So, why was I jealous? I have no clue. But, I was. They stood there talking for a bit, then Jaxx came back over to the table with her following. They sat down across from me. The girl had a sweet smile plastered on her face. 

"Hey, Sora!

I smiled, "Hi, Jaxx!"

"Who're you?" I asked, looking at the girl.

She introduced herself, "I'm Remi! Who are you?"

"My name's Sora," I introduced myself. 

Remi nodded her head in response. Then, the two went back to talking. Sometimes, I'd be in the conversation for about 30 seconds before they go back to talking. I tried leaving the table, but every time I did, I'd always end up back at the table. They did this for the rest of the lunch period.

When the bell rang, I quickly got my stuff, got up from the table, and left the cafeteria. I waited in the hall for him, to see if he'd still be with Remi. When he came out the cafeteria doors, he was alone. Remi wasn't next to him. 

"Sora!" Jaxx walked up to Sora. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah! I'm fine. Why?"

He replied, "You left pretty quickly."

"Oh, sorry about that! I was in a rush since the hallways tend to get filled after lunch."

Before Jaxx could say anything, I asked what class he had next. Turns out we had different classes. So, I guided him to his class first before going to my own. I went straight to my desk and sat down. I placed my bag next to me on the ground and started looking through it. Once I found my notebook, I placed it on my desk, grabbed my pencil, and started sketching anything that came to my mind.

{Timeskip to the end of the day}

I closed my locker and threw my bookbag onto my back. I went through the front doors of the school and down the stairs. I looked back at the doors, waiting. As everyone piled out, I saw Jaxx come out. But, he was with Remi again.

"Hi, Sora!" Remi waved to me.

I waved back to both of them. "Are you two walking together?"

Jaxx shrugged, "I wasn't planning on it, but I guess so. Since we're neighbors."

I nodded. I said bye to them and watched as they walked off, glaring at Remi. Then, I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I brought my arms up and quickly turned around. It was Light.

"HEY! Hands down!" Light put his hands in the air.

I lowered my arms and laughed, "Sorry!"

"Are you okay? You seemed to be staring at the girl with Jaxx."

"Oh, yeah! I'm fine." I lied, smiling.

Light stared at me for a few seconds, then started walking. I followed after him. As we walked home, I told Light about Remi and how she seems to be attached to Jaxx. Light kept telling me not to worry about it, but I wasn't gonna listen. I was gonna worry! I want to get closer to Jaxx and-... Wait a minute.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Light waved as he walked off. 

I waved, then walked into my house. I went up to my room and closed my door. I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. It wouldn't go away. Remi and Jaxx. Them in the lunch line, at the table, leaving the building and walking away together. I was jealous. I was so jealous. I don't know why though! I barely knew him. 

Then, something else came to my head that wouldn't leave. The thought of her death. Not just of old age, but from my bare hands. Her being out of the way. Just suddenly disappearing. No one would find her. No one would know except for me and her. 

I could strangle her, I could stab her, I could do so much. But, I'm not insane enough to do that.


Word count: 830

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