|☽☀︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7☀︎ ☽|

116 4 1

{Friday Morning}

I walked into the building and went over to my locker. Quickly, I put everything I didn't need into my locker. I only put my extra books, binder, whatever. When I closed my locker, I jump scared again. I smiled and faced Jaxx.

"What was that for?!"

Jaxx shrugged, "I don't know! Free opportunity!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I looked around but didn't see Remi anywhere. 

"Where's Remi?"

"Oh, she went on vacation for about a week or two."

I asked, "Are you upset about it?"

Jaxx shook his head. "Nah. I mean, not like, "OH MY GOD MY CRUSH LEFT ME", more like, "Oh, you're gonna be gone, bye"."

'Crush?' I thought. I was going to ask about it, but I didn't. Now that Remi was gone, I could talk to him more. Why did I care so much about it?! I don't know! I shouldn't care! But, I do. I care way too much about this whole thing, I didn't even know him a lot. I knew his name, his age, and his classes. Nothing else. Well, not much. Maybe this was my chance to finally get to know him. 

As we were walking to class, I actually did find out a lot more than before. We actually did have a few things in common, but not everything he said. He was so sweet about it. Whenever he talked about something he was interested in, he seemed excited about it. Like he was waiting for someone to ask him about it. It was adorable to me.

When we got to class, we separated into our assigned seats. When I sat down, I looked over at Jaxx. He was looking at something under his desk. I looked where he was looking. His phone was hidden under the desk. I minded my business and looked back up at the board.


The bell finally rang, causing everyone to hurry out of their seat and out of the class. This was probably one of the most boring classes of the day. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and grabbed my books. I glanced around the room and saw that almost everyone was gone. I looked over at the doorway and Jaxx was standing there.

I walked up to him. "Who are you waiting for?"

He responded, "I want you to think about that for a second."

"Me?" I questioned. "You're waiting for me?"

Jaxx nodded his head. I felt myself smile a bit. We left the classroom and walked through the halls to the pair of double doors that lead to the outside part of the school. I pushed the doors open and walked along the path next to Jaxx. As we walked on the path, we talked about how the school's been going for him and how he's been doing with moving in. From what he's told me, he's doing very well with both of the things. Which was really good knowing the reputation of this school. Not really the best one to be heard.

We walked around, watching people do their practices, exercises, and other things people were doing out here. I saw some bleachers and walked over to them. I climbed up the stairs and sat down at the top of the bleachers. Jaxx followed and sat down next to me.

 The bleachers were tall. Really tall. I could see over all of the fields and a bit over the fences. I could even see cars passing by on the streets. Why were these bleachers so tall?!

"I can see the road!" Jaxx pointed out, staring at the street. "There's no way these are that tall."

I looked at Jaxx, "Maybe it's a combination of the bleachers and your height, genius."

Jaxx shrugged, "Maybe."

I smiled at him as he watched the different cars drive by. His crimson-red eyes followed the cars left, right, left, and right. The sun was positioned perfectly in the sky where it would shine into his eyes, making them seem like they were glowing. 

They were perfect.

Someone then called my name, snapping me from staring at Jaxx. I looked at the bottom of the bleachers and saw Light waving with Alex standing next to him. I motioned them up to me and Jaxx. Light and Alex climbed up the metallic bleachers and sat down on the bleachers in front of us. 

We then began talking. Talking about grades, teachers, and other students. I spoke a few times, but, mainly, I listened. I listened to every single word they spoke. Maybe not Light and Alex's, but Jaxx's. I don't know why, but I remembered everything Jaxx had said. Word for word, tone to tone. Alex and Light's words went in one ear and floated out the other. 

Every time Jaxx began to tell a short story, I became interested. For the first time in, like, forever. As his eyes darted from all of our eyes as he spoke, I continued to stare into his. Again, the sun shone beautifully and perfectly into his eyes. Jaxx's smile matched the sun shining into his eyes. His smile could light up the room almost immediately. It would have to. There's no way it couldn't.

I couldn't get my eyes off his. I continued to stare. Then, voices in the back of my head began whispering repeatedly. I couldn't understand them at all. They were all jumbled up. Then, a sudden disturbing thought popped into my head.

'What if I took his eyes for myself? So, I could stare at them for as long as I wanted'?

Closing my eyes, I quickly shook my head and stood up.

"Hey- Uhm... I'm going to the bathroom," I stuttered, climbing over the bleachers. 

Jaxx looked at me, "Are you okay? You seem panicked."

I nodded, "I'm... I'm fine. I'm just gonna go now!"

Before anyone else said anything, I quickly climbed down the bleachers and rushed on the path to the back doors. The whole time, I was questioning what was wrong with me. Why do I keep getting these random thoughts? I don't know what's going on with me...

What is wrong with me?!


Word Count: 1005

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