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I remember the first time you saw hope

I remember the first time you saw hope

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I stared at her for a moment. No words said, nothing done. I just looked at her. My gaze traced her nose, to her lips, and to her everlasting beauty that is her eyes. I didn't know how long I was staring, but it sure felt like a century.

"Are you-"

I didn't want her to finish her sentence. Jolting forward, I grabbed her wrist and dragged her away. I didn't want her to even mildly near my excuse of a father.

I dragged her down the road, her wrist in my palm and the wind against our cheek. I could hear the faint scraping of her cane against the floor, but it seems as though she trusted me enough for me to guide her the whole way through.

"You're name is...Sicheng?" She placed her hand over mine as if to confirm that this feeling indeed belonged to me. I didn't respond, instead, pausing in my storm down the pavement.

"That's my real name" I grunted "I don't use it much"

"And the man that was screaming is...?"

"A piece of shit" I let go of her wrist "What were you doing in there"

"Why cant I" She shrugged. I guess it was confirmed that she was still mad at me.

"Just pretend you didn't hear any of it" I must do everything I can to hide my past from Sooah. I didn't want to taint even the slightest of her purity.

"Sooah!" A guy jogged up to us. I recognised him as the guy she was with. Her eyes lit up for a second "Hey Kun"

I rolled my eyes. The guy seemed like your typical college senior with perfect grades and perfect attendance.

"This is?" The guy named Kun gestured to me.

"This is my friend, Winwin" Sooah introduced me to the top-grade-goody-two-shoes guy.

Ouch. Friend.

Sooah nudged me, then nodded forwards "That's Kun. He's a medical student at another university"

I did not care, whatsoever. And it did seem as though Sooah was intentionally trying to make me jealous by mentioning just how smart the guy in front of us is.

"Hey Kun, did you know, Winwin over here likes to make decisions for others? It's like his specialty"

I scoffed rather bewilderedly "Hey Kun, did you know Sooah over here likes to do everything on her own?"

"Hey Kun, did you know Winwin had a knack for wasting money on someone else rather than himself?"

"Hey Kun, did you know Sooah likes to go to places she's not meant to?"


Sooah's phone rung. I crossed my arm, death glaring Kun whilst watching as Sooah fumbled around for her phone. There was something I noticed about her: she always had her phone in her left pocket. The phone didn't seem to be in her left pocket today, nor in her right one for that fact.

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