Ladies and Gentlemen

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Honduras, 1969.  

The firts character who met the life was Michael, he met the life in a really bad way; his mom was 19 years old  and his dad was 39 years old, he was the fifth child of eight;  his house was next to a river, when he was 4 years old a hurricane destroyed his house, she was pregnant with the seventh child but still she saved the six little ones who were inside the house, she took them to the highest part of he city and after some weeks the goverment gave them houses, during all that time his father didn't appear, they tough he was dead  but some days later he just  returned to home as if nothing, whatever, his father didn't spend time at home or with them, he grew up as the best of all, he always obeyed, he was neat, clean and smart but none of that made him special to his mom and his siblings ignored him most of the time, well at least until they needed something from him; now you know where the equality was when you needed it; his mom sold tortillas and he with his brothers were in charge of disturbing them throughout the neighborhood, after that he attended his classes where all the rest of the kids admired his intelligence and one day, one of his classmates took him out of the school, they talked for hours, he was 10 years old, he had never talked to someone like the way he talked to that boy, he didn't even cared about what they were talking, he just like it, then he started to hug the guy, and the boy started to hug him, they started like a joke but slowly it turns very comfortable for both, he really love that moment, but they get caught by other kids and those kids ran to tell Michael's mother what they had seen (the school was about four blocks from Michael's house); while Michael realized about  the situation and that he missed his classes in the whole day, so he returned to the classromm with his classmate; minutes later his mom arrived at the school, she interrumped the class and went in, she took her son out and  took hin home, she did everything in profound silence, and when Michael asked what was happening, the answer he got was....

Michael's mom--"You are a boy, you should not have to be with other boys doing such things like hugging, you got it?" 

Michael.-- "Why?"

Michael's mom-- ......."I'll tell you why." 

That day Michael he spent the whole afternoon kneeling under the scorching sun carrying a block over his head, that was the way his mom punishes the bad kids, but he just was punished a few times before, and not that way, he was confused about the situation but he didn't questioned again, he just obey and he never did that again. 

He continued  to grow in the same life as always, the truth was that he was satisfied with his life, he never knew another lifestyle because it was the normal way people lived, he was happy. He developed a great interest in studying and he wanted to continue at college but his mother didn't have the money enough to take care of all her childrens, so she told him to go find a little job, and Michael did it, he started to shine shoes at the park, he collected enough money for his supplies, he was also able to buy his own shoes wich fascinated him, he was happier then ever doing some money for himself and he also gave some of the money he earned to his mother; he discovered the world  alone, but he was always alone so it didn't affect him so much. 

Micheal loved his independent life, but he quickly noticed about other people's lifes, specifically rich people's lifes, as he grew older he was incorporated into society in wich other people treated him badly, he learned the rules of the life in the world, but he didn't feel bad about that, the only thing he could think of was about  on what he had to do to become a powerfull person, that kept him motivated, and he was willing to anything. 

He was very proud of himself, because when he met other people with better lifes, he realized that his life was special, and everyone admired him; his objective was to become someone with power and a good life, so he examined that type of people and the first thing he learn was that rich people are very smart and with good studies. 

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