But first let's pray to god for help

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Lizzie--"AAAGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! The baby, is comiiing!"

The beginning of her life as a wife was not as charming as she expected, but she was always sure that her husband had everything under control and slowly it got better.

Michael--"Tomorrow is the day."

Lizzie--"yes, I'm so excited, are you excited Josh?"

Michael--"Our own house, where you will take your first steps and you will grow"

Lizzie's Mother help her by taking care of Josh, some way the fact that Josh was her first grandchild remove the regrets from her and she became closer with the family but it also was because she started to got fed up of Mr. Ramos, the reason they separated was because Lizzie's Mother spent the whole week taking care of Josh so Mr. Ramos left the house, anyway his children already grew up and they didn't need him anymore.

The following year they had a daughter, Hailee, Lizzie's mother always took them with her, while Lizzie was looking for a job and they were fixing up their new house; Michael always held Lizzie by the hand, he provided the house with electrical appliances and educated his children very well, their relationship was very nice and strong, full of passion and Lizzie was very happy to receive all that love, she also did her part as the wife, contributing everything her husband wanted, money, children, and from time to time her opinion, especially when it was necessary before committing a foolish thing, in the end Michael deserved it, he never disrespected her and always treated her as a queen, she was the only woman in his life. Lizzie's hopeful path began to be filled with stones, debts rose, jobs were lost and the relationship began to have problems, Lizzie had no idea how to solve those problems so the best thing she could do was ignore them and focus on the most large, in which she had more capacity, she always focused on the solution and each time she matured. If you ask Lizzie how she got out of her problems she would tell you:"The Lord Jesus Christ found me" But in reality she found him, because you are the one who is living and experiencing nothing in the world comes to you, you come to the world, whatever, she started going to church and cultivating wisdom in the word of god and included his children too, a few years later...

Lizzie--"Hey, Michael would you like to have another child?"

Michael--"Well, only if you want to"

Lizzie--"Could it be my Valentine's gift?"

Michael--"If that's what you want, ok it's fine"

And a new son joined the family, he found in the world a more prepared and mature Lizzie, with more problems but more capable of solving them, well except the problems that he never touched, those of their relationship, in her own words their relationship had no problem, it is the definition of ignoring, even so she was able to fight and solve any obstacle, her main motivation was love, she was drunk with it, when Michael junior was born, they left him in the hospital for being born with a infection, a week the newborn was in the hospital and all that week Lizzie traveled 15km to see her son and give him her love, Michael jr. was introduced to the evangelical religion since he was born, so that when he grew up he would not be lost, the scoldings were not lacking but neither was love, Lizzie wanted a new son to be the change towards a new path for the family's life.

Lizzie--"Hey, do you want to go to church with me"

Michael--"No, I don't like that kind of things, go alone."

Their lives continued normal, always the same and the same, with sweet family moments and dark passages; Lizzie's Mother watched the first steps of Michael jr., Michael's Father died, Josh and Hailee helped to serve in the church,on  the 4th of July they ate the same thing as the 3rd of July but Lizzie as the mother of the family wanted something better for them, not something that could make a very big change like Pizza wich would give them a stomach ahce, Lizzie wanted something different but no too big; she started to act like the nicest person.

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