But you will also have happy moments

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They met each other.

Mery--"so you don't like kids but you will be a teacher"

Hailee--"yeah, but it's because I like to educate, that's the main reason, you like masculine clothes, are you lesbian?"

Mery--"yea, uhh since I was a child I've dressed like this besides that I'm fat so baggy clothes and pants fit me well and yes, I'm lesbian"

Hailee--"oh ok I don't have nothing against that, it's just I never had a friend like this, you know we please each other"

Mery--"yeah, that's what friendship it's about"

They pleased each other.

 Mery--"I bought you a sandwich, what type of drink do you like?"

Hailee--"oh wow thank you, any drink is ok don't worry"

Hailee--"oh look I made you this, it's a gift"

Mery--"oh wow you're really good at crafts, thank you but why it's a gift? today is nothing speciall"

Hailee--"I know but that's what friendship is about right"

Then it was just the two of them Little by little the romance began to rise and they both got carried away 

Hailee--"hey give me that, Mery bring that you know I can't get in without that card"

Mery--"I will give you only if you give me a kiss on the cheek"

Hailee--"what? ughh come on"

Mery--"just a little kiss"


They supported each other and finally met each other's family.

Mery--"hi, I'm Mery"


Mery--"do you know what is this?"

Michael--"yes, that's the yin and yang, means that everything bad has something good and everything good has something bad"

Mery--"yeah! wow I like this kid"

Mery--"she is Hailee; these are my nephews"


Lizzie--"your friend looks very mature"

Michael jr.--"she gave me a candy"

 And so, Hailee and Mery entered each other's lives forming their relationship; Hailee took her to church and although Mery was of another religion she went with Hailee, they had a lot of good times together and became very close, Hailee expected something like a romance but deep down she had a little tension about it, since she had never had such an experience but Mery's attitude and personality made everything easier for Hailee and in the end they both fell in love. 

Mery--"I like you, I can even tell that I'm in love with you Hailee, I know that maybe this feels kind weird for you but I'm not telling you this for start a relationship as girlfriends, I'm just telling you this because I love you and I want to express you my feelings, just to let you know, nothing else, do whatever you want, I will respect your decision"

Hailee--"I love you too Mery, you're right this feels weird for me because is new but i think it's the first time i'm in love, i mean real love, not just because of your beauty or how can I benefit with you"They had passion but also doubts, well just Hailee.

Hailee--"wait, do you think this is correct?"

Mery--"we are just kissing............ you mean if it's correct before the eyes of god?"

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