And don't forget to receive the love that your family gives you.

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Josh and Nidia lasted a few more months, they went to the beach together with the whole family, and they had nice moments.

Lizzie" Josh are you crazy? Do you know that when her son grows up and you want to give him an order, he will not obey you and may even hit you, because he is not a baby, he knows very well that you are not his father"

Josh--"but I'm in love with her, I am preparing to be a good dad"

A good father would never abandon his family, a good person would analyze very well before becoming a father, a good son would never judge his father without first knowing his real feelings; Josh only knew that at some point he would be a father, start a family it's part of the cycle, leaving your family....... Josh didn't know what to feel about it, he was at a point where his life was trying to take a good direction, but he never looked at the direction he was headed, because he never knew what he felt.

Josh--"how is your life going?" 

Michael--"fine, how is yours?"

Josh--"same........I will get married soon"

Michael--"with who?"

Josh--"her name is Nidia, she works with me"

Michael--"ohhh Michael jr. told me about her, he also told me that she have a son, if that's true, you will not get married with her, you have to make your own family"

Josh hadn't dared to have sex for a long time, his self-esteem was very low, as was his hygiene, his body disgusted him and probably others as well, he never knew if he was sterile but wished he did, he avoided sex, he only chose the pleasure of masturbation, that's why he looked for women who had children.

Josh--"why did you left the house and your family?"

Michael--"that not of your bussines; did you hear what I said?"

Josh--"I'm just trying to raise a family to be a man like I'm supposed to be, is that what you wanted right?! You want me to start my own family just so you can feel proud of me and not feel guilty for leaving your family, you want me to be a father in your place"

Michael--"I just want you to form a family of your own, yours, you understand, that way it won't bring you problems later, the reasons why I left your mother are none of your business and if you keep talking to me like that..."

Josh--"I'm not a child anymore!!! Now I can make my own decisions and if you went out of the limit then why should I be a perfect child all my life"

Michael--"enough!! Kneel there and you'll spend the whole afternoon there and if you say anything I'll put blocks on you."

Josh--"I will never abandon my family like you did, I am a man!!"

Michael-"Josh come back here, Josh!!!!!"

Hey Josh, tell us why you are going to marry Nidia even after what your father told you.

Josh--"because I love heeeeeeer.................. woww, who is she?"

Jacky studied at the same university as Josh, she came from a mountain south of the city, a rustic and humble town where there was no asphalt or buildings, only land where people put their cows to graze, being from a place like that, she was ignorant about life in the city, but she was cunning, she was envious, jealous, possessive, mean, conceited and arrogant, if not for the fact that she came from such a humble place, she would be quite a bitch and the center of attention, she barely studied, not because she was dumb or lazy, but because she had a son, he lived with Jacky's mom in the mountain, he was barely a few months old, Jacky was the victim of a rape, so let's not ask about the father, she liked to have everything and always went for the best, by her small-town standards, Josh was a very good option, not only because he was attractive, but because he was an asshole thisthy of love which made him an easy target to dominate and was what she loved the most. Josh fell completely in love with her and I don't know if she is his true love but they have a good story. As expected, Jacky took possession of Josh, having a child under one year old made her perfect for Josh, she took over Josh's car, they got to know each other more deeply and Jacky knew immediately that she would be a queen alongside Josh, not because she saw him as a king but because she had a subject as a boyfriend, she wanted luxury and he gave it to her, although she did not know what elegance or glamor was, Josh gave her everything, if you pay attention you will realize that she took over the story too but you know what, it is so difficult to explore a man, the whole drama of their lives revolves around the toxic masculinity with which they are pressured and nothing else, I mean they are not boring but at least they should look for a new development theme, this drama of masculinity is already boring and it is the only thing that can be talked about a man, the worst part is that even then it is not possible to end the toxic masculinity that exists in the world.............huhhhhh. Going back to the story, inside Josh, he was tired of being a man so he chose to stop being so macho and become someone more kind, cheerful and charismatic, he still wanted to be masculine but have more personality than a man would have, so he became calmer and stopped smoking, getting drunk and masturbating, he just did what Jacky told him. 

Never look at the life directly in the eye.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant