We have to tell you something important

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Michael jr--"hey mom, what's the craziest thing you have done in your life?"


Lizzie was always a victim of life, she never did anything, the events happened to her and she wasn't able to take control of her life.

Honduras, 1969

When Lizzie was born her mother didn't have the capacity to keep Lizzie, so her aunt  took Lizzie with her; she grew with strict rules and discipline, her mother visited her every weekend until her father abandoned her mother and Lizzie moved in with her grandmother, she gave Lizzie love and care but three years later Lizzie's mother took her back home, where two new babies suddenly appeared, her little brothers; Lizzie's mom had hooked up with a new man, he was rich, mean and a braggart in adittion, another son was on the way. Her mother had gotten a job as a vendor in a distant market, so Lizzie was in charge of her brothers and her mother's grocery store, as her brothers grew the difficulty increased; her brothers were demons, especially the eldest. 

Lizzie's brother--"hey dad, Lizzie pushed me and i fell"

Mr. Ramos (i will call the man that because he doesn't deserve to be call "Lizzie's stepfather", reason:)--"you bitch, why are you doing those things? leave my children alone"

When her brothers fought Lizzie got in to separate them and she got hurt several times, she never told her mother anything because of  fear, once the house almost ended up on fire, and on another occasion one of her brothers was hanging another, if she had not interfered he would have died and  the culprit would be her. 

In the school she didn't have friends, she was just chasing a bunch of girls who probably didn't even know her name and she was never attracted to any boy. The relationship with her mother was..

Lizzie--"A classmate invited me to her birthday, it will be Saturday and I would like to be able to go"

Lizzie's mother--"you aren't going anywhere"


Lizzie's Mother was complicated.

Lizzie's mother--"oh you are here, i thought you were going to a birhtday"

Lizzie lived in fear of her future and what would happen to her, sometimes she tried to react to the situation like the day when she got fed up with Mr. Ramos and she threw his food on him, she didn't recieve a punishment but the attitude of the man didn't change, that only showed the monster Lizzie had inside, yes she was willing to do anything  but she never did becuase it wasn't correct. 

Lizzie's Mother--"your grandmother died"

Lizzie--"what?, no, no,how?"

Lizzie's Mother--"calm down Lizzie, we leave in an hour to her funeral, go get ready"

Despite not having seen her for a long time, in his happiest memories she was present; Lizzie's mom was hurt by her death too but she was busy with other things like the school of her children and maintining her relationship. Months later Lizzie's cousin moved in to the house, she was a relief for Lizzie, her cousin help Lizzie with the tasks Mr. Ramos. 

Lizzie's cousin--"Lizzie,hey what are you doing? are you crying?

Lizzie--"no, i'm fine, nothing's wrong calm down"

Lizzie's cousin--"are you sure? it looked like you were crying"

Lizzie--"no, i'm fine, i just had an itchy throat"

Lizzie's cousin--"mmh ok, get out of here before Mr. Ramos finds you and yells at you for not doing anything"

Life has comforting changes, for the most part they are long-awaited, even though people define them as unexpected, perhaps it is because of the way these changes manifest themselves, but I will refer to this change as a long-awaited surprise.

Never look at the life directly in the eye.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora