Because life will be hard

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Since she was little Hailee was different, she did not understand what was happening around her nor did she bother to try, she was always accompanied by her older brother, she followed him everywhere and when they did not let her follow him because he was a boy and a year older, Hailee simply began to ramble on the colors, the shapes, what made her happy and what really interested her, when she grew up she stopped being just the shadow of her brother, with an upbringing of the type boys and girls are different, she explored what there was for her in the world just for girls, she took her time to choose and was closed with respect to her thoughts, she did not give reasons to anyone, only choices anyway they did not ask her for reasons. Hailee had discovered a game that she liked a lot, she took her stuffed animals by the hand, sat them down and taught them, she liked to express herself that way, talk and talk until the class was over and be the authority over her stuffed animals, she felt superior when she left them homework, then she took her brother and her father and made them her students; she was moving away from her brother although not completely, in them that brotherhood that made them best friends was still alive, Hailee was very close to her father, he was serious with others but with her he was sweet, which made her feel protected, her mother also gave her love but she did not feel as pure as her father, Josh and Hailee were very close to other relatives, they loved the affection that the whole family had for them, Hailee's cousin was her best friend and although they lived far away, she was the one with whom she had the most confidence; Hailee was good at school but very shy, so she had no friends, only her brother. Before the other children he had a rude character and was not interested in talking to them. Once they paired her with a classmate for a dance, she disliked holding hands with a stranger but knew she had to at least smile for photos and would be scolded if she hit the boy. Hailee was an innocent and happy girl who discovered the world in her own way and at her own time, she was happy with her family and no one else, but we all grow and everything we believe to be eternal is left behind in the past, sometimes we don't even realize it and when we turn around we are already teenagers and we must mature.

Many things were introudced into Hailee's life, the religion brought many behavior rules but it also gave her understanding about life, followed by a little brother, despite the fact that he killed her rabbit by accident and smelled bad sometimes, Hailee loved him and liked his company, of course she did not spend all the time with the baby nor was she responsible for him so it was more easy to accept it in her life. As Hailee grew older, demands from life came to her, studies were heavier, there were no more hours of play and her innocence turned into ignorance, she felt this change but she could only adapt to it and meet the demands, she was entering the world as she was supposed to be and had to change her personality to fit in, then she realized that the others were still treating her like a girl but in a bad and derogatory way, to change that she had to leave the ignorance, she didn't want to feel inferior, so she delved deeper into the only source of wisdom she had, religion. Other areas of society in her life were not good options as well as the school in which people were more unpleasant; she concentrated so much on building a good personality that she did not notice the coldness that arose between her father and her nor the changes in their mother's personality, they still treated her like a daughter but they were busier with Michael jr. 

Surrounding herself with religious people, she knew that she should be the same as these people because they were on the right path, so she made friends and developed in society, while Josh separated more from the family and they no longer had the relationship they used to, she did her world apart, detaching herself from her parents and locking herself in a new life of her own, but she couldn't escape that easy, she was 17 years old. And the following year....

Hailee--"mom, where is dad?"


Hailee--"where is dad? where is him?!!!"

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