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Michael--"You look pretty tonight, i bought you some flowers, i hope you like them"

Lizzie--"wow, thank you"

Michael--"do you want to walk? let's go this way"

Lizzie--"ok, fine, where are we going?"

Michael--"let's just walk, if you want to go somewhere just tell me"

Lizzie--"no, no,  i just thought you were going to take me somewhere but that's fine"

Michael--"oh ok, i want to talk to you because i like you and i want to know you more, starting with your name"

Lizzie--"oh umm ok, my name is Lizzie, Lizzie Perez; what's your name?"

Michael--"my name is Michael Rivera, your name is so pretty"

Lizzie--"thank you, your name is pretty too, umm, you are the cleaner of the company right"

Michael--"yes, i am, what's your job in the company Lizzie?"

Lizzie--"i am a secretary, i write important things and i help in the administration departament"

Michael--"wow, you are not like the other secretaries; i had not seen you before Lizzie"

Lizzie--"i'm new, i entered eleven days ago, and i know that the other secretaries treat bad some people, specially the cleaners but at the same time they are quite sweet with the businessmen and they are good at what they do just like you, the area where you work always stays clean, i saw you sweeping the halls and you do it very well"

Michael--"thank you, i'm very focused on doing my job; Lizzie do you care if i am a cleaner?"

Lizzie--"no, i don't care; why?"

Michael--"i want to be your boyfriend, do you want to?"

Lizzie--"i... i don't know; I don't know you very well and I don't know how to be a girlfriend or something"

Michael--"we will get to know each other in the relationship and you don't need to know how to be a girlfriend to be one, don't be afraid"


Michael--"ok; oh let's eat an ice cream; ummm  i live in the city to the north, with my mom and some siblings, i have seven siblings; i am preparing to be an bussinesman, you can be my secretary in the future; and tell me about you...."

Michael was very happy to have achieved what he wanted, now he was in a relationship and he proposed to be the best boyfriend for Lizzie, after a days, Michael knew that the rumor about his relationship was everywhere, obviusly Lizzie would feel bad about it, so he protected her, he made Lizzie happy and he made sure everything was kept perfect and it was; his job, his family, his relationship, everything in his life was under control and the more time passed the more he immersed himself in the perfection of things, at the point that he got careless about his future like a bussinesman, his objective was to be important, having everything under his control made him feel important and much more when Lizzie began to be more interested in him and was getting more into his life until she occupied the central position in Michael's life; Michael had never felt like that. 

Michael and Lizzie always spent time together and developed their relationship until they entered each other's family, Michael's mother was so happy for them, she and Lizzie got along very well, they became very close and treated each other well, Michael's mother was very proud, everything around Michael was happpiness, he wanted more of this; anyway happiness hasn't killed anyone right.

Michael and Lizzie were the best couple in the entire company and some time later they got married; just as it suddenly appeared in the text, so the acclaimed wedding appeared in their lives.

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