Just follow the rules

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Sex is part of the life 

Josh-"uhh uhh it feel so good uhh"

 In fact it's the beginning of life

Lizzie--"ughhh ughhhh the baby..."

Josh-"uhhh baby"

Lizzie-"AGHHHHHH!!!!!! The baby is coming"

Josh-"ah aaaaaah I'm coming"

I will start this story with the cry of a newborn in the background. Since Josh was born he was warmly loved by family and was the center of attention, everyone loved him and it continued to be that way when he grew up, they loved him for being so smart, for being so obedient, for being the first son or grandson or the older brother, or they loved him for being pretty and charismatic, Josh liked all that love, there was no need to look for it, it was always present wherever he went, it came from adults with important and powerful positions in Josh's life; Since he was a child he knew who he was, not only because others told him.

Michael--"you are a male"

Girl--"you are very intelligent and cute, I think I like you"

Josh's friend-"woww you are the best playing football"

He was curious to explore the world and discover everything it had for him and all the love he could find, he liked everything that life had to offer him, from hobbies, places and objects with which he could entertain himself, he was extroverted and very lively, also a little shy but he liked the feeling that doing things that broke that shyness brought him, he was daring and adventurous, wanting to experience everything, Josh crossed the line that had been imposed as a limit, which brought consequences and his father was in charge of making him obey the rules, the number one was that he should not leave the limit line; Josh developed an ambiguous personality and depending on the situation he could be either very shy or very risky with his actions, that made him the perfect boy who took care of his younger sister but also went out to have fun with his own friends, asked permission to go out but he was the  one who established his check-in and check-out time, of course he never exaggerated about it, he was clear about the rules and used the fear of a possible punishment to stay within that limit, he saw the positive side of that by settling for what he already had, he was brave in the face of challenges but shy in the face of unknown looks, he was good, he was kind, humble, persevering, protective, responsible and all he received was love, even in scolding

Michael--"I'm scolding you so you don't do that again, because bad things bring you consequences and it's better to scold you than let you pay those consequences, I do this because I love you and you need to learn, so don't hit another kid again ok"

Josh-"ok hey dad, do you have limits?"

Michael--"yeah but I'm an adult so my limits are more open, as you get older you'll be able to explore more things too, you just have to wait for you to grow up, sometimes I go out of limits but I pay the consequences like that try not to"

Josh--"ohhh ok"

Josh realized that he and his personality were "perfect"; in the movies the good guys were like him but bigger, and the other kids always admired him for being so perfect, some told him directly, others told him just by being in front of him, rebellious and disobedient children suffered worse punishments than Josh, they did not receive the same amount of love as Josh and according to the cartoons the bad guys always ended up losing, wherever Josh was, his perfection was always highlighted.

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