The Raven's Nest

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Ok, so I'm a tiny little baby chicken who stumbled into the nest of a big adult raven. I was busted for sure.
But life is full of surprises...
"Oh my, oh my. Your poor, poor chicken! Your feathers are a mess! You must come with me. I love grooming feathers! Come, come, come!" I didn't move. She was just so big! She was about four times larger than I was, as well as well fed while I was tiny and hungry. I hadn't eaten since the corn the day before. Eating once in two days of life takes a toll on baby chickens.
"Well..... " I didn't know how to say no to the raven. What if she took offense and hurt me? What if she lived with more ravens that decided I wasn't worth housing?
"Oh yes, silly me!" she said. "Where have my manners gone? My name is Madlynne. I just turned old enough to have my own home-patch! That's why its on the edge- younger ravens have less priority. I hope to move further in the meadow when I grow up. Every time a bird leaves, they give their home-patch to a bird further out. The bird it was given to can give theirs away, and so on and so on, until somebird from the outside moves in. Then, there is an available patch for a younger bird that is moving away from their family's home-patches."
"Home-patch?" I asked.
"It's a patch of grass that belongs to a certain bird," Madlynne explained. "I don't believe I recognize you. What's your name?"
"I'm Ruby," I said.
"Nice to meet you, Ruby. Would you like to come to my nest for some food and a little grooming for those feathers?" Madlynne offered.
"I'd love that," I said. It was true- Madlynne seemed very nice, and I was very hungry, and my feathers were indeed a catastrophe. Madlynne led the way to a clump of wheat. The stalks were woven together to make a sturdy beam going straight up. I could see a nest woven into the tips of the stalks. Madlynne fluttered up to the nest. I awkwardly scuffled at the ground with one foot. "Uhhh.... Madlynne?"
"Yes?" she said, peering down at me over the edge of the nest.
"I can't fly."
"Of course you can't, silly me, you are just a fledgeling." She spread her wings and stepped over the edge. Her wings acted like a parachute and slowed her descent significantly. Just before she hit the ground, she snatched me in her claws and flew up, up, up, higher than her nest, until she was above treeline.
"Madlynne?" I asked "Wha- What are you doing?" Madlynne's cheery voice went cold.
"My real name is Medusa. And I'm taking you to see the Great Hawk."

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