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Alysse let out a shriek of pain. The Great Hawk took one look at his daughter and lunged at me.
"What did you do to her?" he shouted. I cowered back in fear. Madlynne stepped in front of me protectively.
"I don't know if you realized but the snake bit Alysse not Ruby," she said coldly. "And it might be helpful for you to know that the snake has poison and is still alive and about to eat your daughter." That certainly got his attention. The Great Hawk snapped his head around. He leapt at the snake and sank his talons into the snake's neck. He squeezed harder and harder until the snake stopped moving. He made sure it was dead before stepping over to his daughter.
"Alysse what have I done this is all my fault," he said. "If I had guarded the meadow like the Great One is supposed to then you wouldn't have been bitten." Alysse was barely alive but she found the energy to look up at her father.
"Maybe you shouldn't have been so focused on being the Great One then. Maybe you should just have been a father." The Great Hawk looked at her, pain filling his eyes.
"I just wanted you to be proud of me," he said quietly.
"I just wanted you to be there for me," Alysse replied.
Then the poison finished its job, and she never spoke another word.
The Great Hawk looked down at her. His wings drooped and he looked at Madlynne and me.
"Thank you for being there for her," he told us. His voice was husky with pain. "Thank you for giving her friendship. I only wish I could have given her what she needed, not what I wanted."

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