The Great Hawk

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Madlynne- excuse me, Medusa, flew up to a giant tree. She dropped me on a skinny branch. I clung to it desperately. Chickens were not made for trees, and I was having trouble balancing. The let out a sharp whistle. Ravens could whistle? That was new. Maybe I imagined it or somebird else whistled right then. But that whistle, whether it was Medusa or not, was a signal. A hawk- a ginormous hawk- swooped down from the sky and landed on the branch.
"Well done Medusa," he said. "Leave."
"But-" she protested.
"LEAVE!" he boomed. She bowed her head and flew off in a hurry.
"So," the hawk turned to me. I assumed he was the Great Hawk. "You were intruding, weren't you." Although the words formed a question, he clearly wasn't looking for an answer. "Do you know what happens to trespassers?" he asked.
"No.... " I whispered, terrified. I was about to fall off the branch. Again, chickens don't like being in trees. Especially not when your in the highest branches of the tallest tree anywhere in sight about to fall to your death while staring at a massive hungry-looking dangerous hawk less than a foot away from you who you just got betrayed to by a raven you thought would become your friend. Yeah, I know. Not an ideal situation. Well my whole life has been full of not-so-ideal situations. My whole two days of life. At least, I thought, I've done more in two days than most chickens in a lifetime. That's pretty cool, even when death is about ten inches away. I looked up at the hawk again.
"We care for them until they can fend for themselves."
"What do you think we do, idiot? We eat them. Just like I'm going to eat you."
Yeah, that's more like it. Somehow this whole day hasn't made too much sense. I wonder why? I was chased across a road by a snake and ended up in a meadow where I was greeted by a friendly raven until she brought me up to this giant tree where she whistled so that now I am staring at a sarcastic hawk about to eat me. What fun. The hawk opened his mouth, leaning forward.....

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