Lost Lover

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Wei Wuxian sat humming his and Lan WangJi's song, WangXian, as he waited for his husband, Lan Wangji at an inn. They had been married for two years after the incident with Jin Guangyao, much to Lan Qiren's silent fuming displeasure.  

    Wei Wuxian chuckled at himself remembering the look on the old man's face at their wedding. Poor man had wanted to faint, from the looks of it. It was also their anniversary. 

   He stood up, stretching leisurely, Lan Wangji had gone to speak to someone over some time of matter. Wei Wuxian had always been quite a restless person, unable to stand still for long. He was wondering about the gift he was planning for Wangji as a surprise at Cloud Recesses, he also had help planning, even Lan Qiren gave him a little more room and freedom to put his plan into motion. 

   Now he just waited for his husband, lost in thought as he walked out of the inn. Inside it had been strangely quiet with barely any customers. And there were hardly any people walking about outside.
   Wei Wuxian frowned. 

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji called to him as he just stepped off his sword, his golden eyes light with love.  Wei Wuxian grinned. 

 "LAN ZHAN! Your back!" Wei Wuxian ran to throw himself at him, but jerked to a stop, pain and shock seeping into his expression. 

  "Lan Zhan?" Who Wuxinan gases at him, speaking with a weak cough, blood dribbling from his lips. Lan Wangji's face was etched in horror. Terror.

 Wei Wuxian slowly looked down to see a sword pierced through his chest, right where his heart was. More blood sealed from his mouth, from his throat. He staggered back, unsteady, as his assailants sword was yanked free from his chest, pulled out from the back. 

   Wei Wuxian glanced back at the perpetrator, he didn't know this person or couldn't remember them. This person's eyes were full of vengeful hate. "For my father!" He spat. Eyes glowing manically. 

  The other then turned flee before realising Lan Wangji was there and had witnessed his action. Lan Wangji had still been frozen in utter shock, crippling fear before snapping free to subdue the one that had harmed his love. 

He rushed over to his husband, who had fallen to his knees and was trying to get back up, blood leaking out of him, in a puddle at his feet. 

 Wei Wuxian staggered, trying to stay on his feet, to walk towards Lan Wangji, bleeding, holding a hand over his chest, gurgling and coughing up blood. 

 He reached out his hands towards Lan Zhan earnestly. "Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan..don't cry." Wei Wuxian tried to smile as he came to a halt before the other man. His body was weak and losing strength, he sagged forward, collapsing again. But Lan Wangji was there to catch him. He always had been.

   They sank to their knees together, Lan Wangji holding onto Wei Wuxian tightly, eyes full of panic, of pain.

  Wei Wuxian smiled at him again, reached up hands to hold his Lan Zhans face, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall like rain falling from the heavens, in such despair. 

  He closed his eyes, blinking them open to gaze into beautiful golden pools of light. "Not worth your tears, Lan Zhan." He rasped weakly, jerking his head away to spit the blood still rising into his throat. He wheezed as he tried to breathe through it all but it wasn't working. Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around Lan Wangj'is neck, embracing him. 

   "Wei Ying.." his lover's voice was a jagged, heart broken whisper and Wei Wuxian had to blink back tears in his own eyes to pull back again and see his love clearly. The sword had pierced all the way through his heart. No medic, no medicine could save him, especially not after looking so much blood.

  He sighed to himself. Did he still not deserve any of this, any happiness? In the past he had made mistakes and had paid for them, had he not?

And know would be hurting the one person who had always loved him it seemed, had always wanted to help and protect him. 

Why? Why?

He was supposed to see Sizhui later to help finish up the surprise he had for his husband for today. Sizhui, who had always adored, Sizhui, who lived because Lan Wangji, this beautiful man had cared for him, for Wei Wuxians sake and Sizhui's and ...probably his own. 

  He cleared his mind. He couldn't dwell on any of that, even if it hurts him inside, he wanted to be with Lan Wangji for all these days, to be there when Sizhui finds his person, and Jin Ling...

Jiang Cheng...

    He sighed tiredly and hacked up more blood. He looked back at Lan Wangji, at his amazingly  kind hearted, husband. He tried for another smile. He heard Lan Wangji give a broken moan.
     Lan Wangji pressed his forehead to Wei Wuxians and clasped their hands together. Lan Wangji murmuring, praying, and chanting his name-gripping him tighter with every passing second. 

   Wei Wuxian leaned into his husbands embrace, cheeks pressing to one another this time. 

"Lan Zhan?"


Wei Wuxian kissed Lan WangJi's cheeks, hugging him with what strength he had left.
A single tear fell from Wei Wuxian eye.

"I love you." Wei Wuxian spoke softly. Heard Lan WangJi's sharp inhale, felt him swallow harshly; smiled sadly, closing his weighted eyes, resting his head on his lovers shoulder, just breathing in that moment, the two of them together.

  "And I you, Wei Ying. I love you." The man in white robes, tainted wet with fresh and drying blood, the life of the man he loved-who was dying in his arms-whispered brokenly. 

Wei Wuxian hummed in acquiescence, feeling himself fade, darkness encroaching on him for the second and last time.

Then he knew nothing.

Lan Wangji stilled, freezing the moment he felt Wei Ying's body go limp; lifeless. He could feel his lover cooling within his embrace, going completely cold. Wei Yings head rested on his shoulder, and he gently pulled at the limp figure of his lover, to cradle him with utmost care. 

   Wei Ying's head rested near Lan WangJi's neck, cradled in the crook on his shoulder, under his chin. 

   Lan Wangji stood still, motionless; same as his Wei Ying, his world was now still and motionless, void and without life.

He cradled his husband, hugging him as close as humanly possible, unwilling to part, to let go. 

  Tears fell again from golden eyes-the light stolen from them, and quiet sobs escaped him, unheard by anyone near.

The sky above had darkened, unbeknownst to the man in white, tainted with red, who mourned his lover a second time.

   The heavens knew, and they heard this heart broken cry, the sky shattering as the tears of heavens rained down.

  A man stood alone; beside the murderer who killed his husband just steps away, bound and silenced, and the only man standing, clothed in white dyed red with dried blood; held his dead lover.

  The earth and sky mourned along with him as he cried for his lover, for a long, long time.

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