The bartender • T.H

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The Bartender

I threw my phone next to me groaning loudly, it's not that I hate clubbing, it's just that I get drunk, and then I have to go home on my own because Mel is getting laid, lmao, but true, well now she has a boyfriend Harrison, let's say I am happy w...

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I threw my phone next to me groaning loudly, it's not that I hate clubbing, it's just that I get drunk, and then I have to go home on my own because Mel is getting laid, lmao, but true, well now she has a boyfriend Harrison, let's say I am happy we are not roommate anymore because I don't think I'd sleep a lot lmao.
I love her and I love spending time with her, but I want to get some too, so I am not getting drunk tomorrow.

I turned around and closed my eyes, thinking about tomorrow, and how I hope nothing is gonna happen, well I think I can contain myself... for once.


So, I need to get ready, I really don't know what to wear honestly, I don't have a lot of dresses, well 3 actually.
A red one that I wore last week so nope.
A dark blue that I wore at Mel's brother's wedding two weeks ago and it's way too long for clubbing, which leaves me with the black one.
Well I guess it's the black one then. I grabbed it
and lay it on my bed, I picked up my black heels and put it next to my dress.
I sighted, I have no idea if I will look good in that, ugh who cares.
I went into my bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I'm not a model but I never really disliked my face, of course some days I look like shit but I don't particularly dislike this part of my body.
I mostly dislike my thighs, they are too thick, my breasts are a bit too big for me, it's annoying. I am also very uncomfortable with my lady parts, but I guess that is not a problem since I don't show it to anyone those times lmao, single life, but that is mostly it.
Other wise I like my body, I am not a model, I don't have the perfect flat belly but it doesn't really bother me because my curves like my wait and breasts (even if i don't like them) are showing it thinner that is really is, and honestly i don't want a perfect body like those models, I have a nice body, even if I don't like all of it, I mean who like every part of their body, right? I just know that every person is unique and beautiful the way they are and if people are saying the opposite they are just blind and uncomfortable in their own one.

I hopped in the shower and just stayed under the warm water for a bit, I grabbed my shampoo and massaged my scale with my fingers applying the product in my hair, it smells a bit like peach. Love it. I let the water run through my hair, the shampoo sliding on my body with the water, I then pour some conditioner in my hand and put it in my hair making a bun with my hair. I then washed my body with the shower gel, peach flavour too, if you don't get it I really like this flavour. I love showering with freshly waxed skin, it slides and it's much more pleasant to touch. I then released my hair and went fully under the water, the conditioner I had put in my hair making it straight and soft.
I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my figure. I walked out of my bathroom, the cold air making me shiver. I hate this feeling.
I dried my body and my hair with the towel and slipped sweatpants and a top on.
I grabbed my hair dryer and brushed my teeth at the same time. Once they were dry I sat at my desk pulling my small glass out of the drawer and my make up, I did it very light.
I started with a cream to hydrate my skin which makes it reflect the light a bit. I really like it when it does that. I applied pink/bronze eyeshadow with a golden gradient on the inner side of the eye. I then applied a thin touch of mascara and a very light lip balm so as not to draw attention to my lips but to highlight my eyes.
I don't use any foundation which lets my freckles show, I love my freckles, it gives me that little innocent look, which I am totally not.
I then brushed my hair and the natural waves made it look really good. I grabbed some and brought them into a ponytail.
I then took my clothes off and slid on my dress and heels on, then grabbed some jewellery and put them on, I walked up to my mirror to take a look at myself.
Waw, I won't deny it, I look really good, damn.

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