Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

[Catherine, 20:48, Mafia Base]

I was so excited to show Lucina around the base! I didn’t know where to start. 

Maybe the computers and the geeks attached to them, or the ‘white room’, or maybe…

“You need to meet Adam!” I exclaimed.

“The one that was in the gang? The one about to kill a political member?” Lucina squeaked, desperately trying to get out of my grasp. I only tightened it.

“Yes. But you have nothing to worry about. Russians aren’t that tough.

“I know right!” This time it was Anne who spoke. “I barely had to beat this kid up! He was the one who ran into a wall!”

“Are you just going to let Catherine take me to my certain doom?” Lucina asked Anne.

Anne laughed at the preposterous idea. “Doom? Your going to go meet an eighteen year old boy who has a better relationship with walls than he does with actually girls.” Anne looked to me, a sudden serious look upon her face. “But we can’t stay long, since we have something tonight.”

Ah, yes. The entire reason for me to actually get Anne from school. I guess the prospect of Lucina becoming a mafia member overpowered all other thoughts. Lets be honest though. Lucina would be the best spy known to Canada with the proper training. Heck! We could just drag her along tonight, and I bet she would know what to do.

Not realizing where I was going, I bumped into my dad. 

“Oomph,” was what escaped me, before I heard it come from Anne from behind me. She knocked my nose, once more, into my dad. I backed up, not meaning to trip over Anne, but doing so, I brought Anne down to the ground, dragging Lucina with us. 

As our little group of arms and limbs tried to get up, my father spoke. “You three are to show Lucina this part ONLY! No Adam and no interrogation room. Got it?”

We were finally able to stand properly. I got glares from Anne and Lucina. “But dad…”

“No buts!”


“NO BUTS!” Dad boomed across the room. All the people who were walking to and from their appropriate places, stopped and gawked in fear. Lucina had shrunk back as well, but Anne and I knew that this voice was only meant to scare, not actually hurt.

I turned around and stuck my butt out. “Well, too bad! ‘Cause you’re looking at one!” My dad just shook his head in defeat and I knew I could finally get in what I wanted to say. “Everything here is so boring though! The most exciting places are the cell and interrogation room!” 

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