Chapter Four

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Tom Felton as Adam


[Anne, 16:03, Local Highschool] 

The day was average- it happened to be Lucina who was interesting. With all our classes together, and Lucina being kind enough to be my partner or to sit next to me, there was never a dull moment. As it turns out, Lucina and I had a lot in common- despite her not being one of the main Hitmen for the biggest mafia in the entire world. I had apologized for my behaviour when we first met- shoving my hand into her face with my name wasn't excactly a great start- but Lucina laughed it off (oh, she has such a cute laugh) and explained that everyone was nervous starting a new Highschool. But I wasn't nervous, just confused how to talk to people. After all, Catherine was really the only friend I had. That had always been the usual for me. 

Reflecting on my thoughts, I almost didn't notice the bus stop in front of my house. I thanked the bus driver, and hopped down the steps, adjusting my shoulder bag before heading inside. Catherine was home, so the door wasn't locked. Entering the house, I heard angry yelling nosies, which meant my friend was either playing Super Smash Brother's Brawl, or murdering someone. Again. 

"Hello?" I called out, hoping Cathrine wasn't preforming the latter, as she always made so much mess. 

"Anne! You're ho- OH IKE YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!" Oh, she was playing Smash. I tossed my bag to the side (I finished all my homework in class, it's not like it was hard) and walked into the living room. I might as well have walked onto a murder scene, and trust me, I've seen plenty. Popcorn was all over the floor, along with some blankets and pillows. A couple of pop cans also hung around, some crushed, some not. Catherine was standing on the couch, yelling at the TV, occasionally hopping on one foot or swinging her remote and nunchuck angrily. A loud explosion came from the TV, and Catherine snuck to the seat of the couch, groaning. 

"Do not be a light character like Jigglypuff when fighting Ike," she said, and I sat next to her. 

"Dually noted," I picked up one of the many popcorn bags off the couch, and tossed it to the side. "How was your day?" 

"Oh Anne! You missed it- I beat fourty two level nine's in a row!" As Catherine told me about her day (she ate nothing but popcorn and played video games nonstop, blowing off her mission completely, like usual) before asking about mine. 

"Oh, it was alright," I said. "I met a girl,"  Catherine grabbed me by the shoulders, becoming dead serious. 

"Was she cute?" Catherine asked. 


"Is she small?" 

"Yes," I replied, thinking about how small Lucina actually was. She'd make a good spy. 

"Can she handle blood?" 

"Ye- wait what?" Catherine laid down, picking a piece of popcorn out of her hair, and shrugged. 

"If she's going to be part of the mafia, as she is your friend, she needs to handle blood well," 

I looked at Catherine in shock. Did she really think that everyone she met (and didn't kill) was expected to join the Mafia? I sighed, and Catherine pulled a blanket over herself. I swear, that girl had ice for blood, and maybe for a brain too. 

"No, she's just a classmate, nothing out of the usual," 

Usual was good, although my usual isn't everyone else's. Cathrine groaned, and chucked a Wii Remote at me. 

"We have a mission later to kill off some Russian Gang that think their on top of the world. Wanna battle?" 

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