Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

[Lucina, 12:02, Annes House]

My fist pounded on the door, the sound resounding around me as if I were in a cave.

"Someones at the door Catherine!" Annes muffled voice penetrated the door.

A few moments of silence was in the house before I heard Catherines voice yell, "I'm peeing! Lucas, go get the door!"

"I-I can't!" Adam stuttered. "Frederick has escaped again!"

I chuckled.


I didn't know what Adam was so afraid of. Frederick was such a sweet llama. He had grown a little over from the first time I met him the day of Annes accident.

Frederick seemed to have taken a liking to me, and, although she won't admit it, Catherine doesn't like it.

I sighed, and just opened the door. Over the last few weeks, I've had to get over my shyness with my new friends.

Clothes were strewn along the hallway leading to the colourful living room. Adam was living with Catherine and Anne now, and he had been given the attic as his bedroom. My question is, how did all his clothes get two floors down?

"Lucinaaaaa!" Adam screamed. "Please help me! He's started to nibble on my hair!"

What I saw when I walked into the living room did not surprise me. Adam was cowering in the corner of the room, his arms covering his head, and Frederick nibbling on his hair that stuck between his hands.

"Frederick!" I called over to him, almost as if he were a dog.

Frederick padded over with a joyful hop in his step.

"How many times have I told you not to pick on Adam?" I chuckled. Frederick stretched up and licked my cheek in affection. "Come on Frederick. Lets bring you to Catherines room."

I guided him past the cowering Adam and up the stairs. I opened the door of Catherines room and Frederick went in.

Once he was in, I turned to the other door. Carefully, I peeled the door open and found Anne sitting up in bed.

"Hey sweetie!" Anne said to me.

"Hey! Are you ready to get your cast on?" I asked.

"Yeah! I can't wait to move about!"

"So long as you're careful when you move." I reminded her.

Anne sighed. "I know. It means I won't be to fight in Ottawa."

Shouting could be heard from outside the room. It sounded like Mr. Zonde was home.

"What do you mean you're not packed? We leave for the airport in ten minutes!"

Pounding footsteps echoes up above us and a clunk was heard.

I chuckled. "It seems Adam's clothes will finally be rid from the hallway - and living room - and kitchen - how the heck did all his clothes get to the bottom floor?"

Anne could only smile and shrug.

A knock came on the door, and Anne called, "come in!"

The nurse in white - who we had found out was named Megan - entered.

"I've come to work miracles!" Megan smiled.

"I am so happy to be able to finally move!"

Megan truly did work her magic on Anne. Her stitches were taken out, and the sling was placed on Annes arm.

"This is just to remind you not to move your arm so much, otherwise the wound will be reopened, and we don't want that."

Megan turned to me, and asked, "will you help me with Anne?"

I moved to one side of Anne and Megan moved to the other side. We helped Anne to her feet.

Anne wobbled, laughing a little. As she was helped across the room, she got steadier. Finally, Megan and I let go and she wandered by herself.

Mr. Zonde burst into the room. " f you're ready, then lets go!"

I helped Anne down the stairs, Mr. Zonde with her suitcase.

"Let's go Catherine!" Mr. Zonde yelled up the stairs. "Or we're going to be late!"

Catherine bounded down the stairs, a suitcase in one hand, a cat carrier in the other, and Frederick hopping behind her.

"Why can't we just take the private plane again?" Catherine whined.

"We need to be inconspicuous." Anne replied instead.

Everyone started to load their suitcases into Mr. Zondes truck.

"You know, I'm actually going to miss this place. It's probably my second favourite home we've had." Catherine sighed.

"What was your favourite?" I asked.

"The underwater cabin!"

I shook my head in amazement.

"Do you mean we won't be coming back?" Adam asked, saddened.

"We never do." Catherine responded.

Silence entrapped us, but it didn't last long before Mr. Zonde started to pouch us into our designated spots.

"Anne, Lucina, take the buggy. Catherine and Adam are with me. Go, go!"

We rushed to the buggy, and not long after we were on the road.

"Poor Adam." Anne commented.

"Why is that?" I wondered.

"He's stuck in the back with Frederick and Sally!"

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