Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

[Lucina, 16:54, Ottawa]

"I told you not to eat that awful McDonald's burger before getting on the plane! You know you have a weak stomach!" Catherine scolded Adam.

"That poor lady beside me!" Adam mumbled.

"And the man in front." Anne muttered.

"Okay! He was not nice!" Adam exclaimed.

"But you look tougher with a black eye, Lucas!" Catherine responded.

Anne chuckled. "I thought the black eye made him look weaker. Almost like a dalmatian just getting his spots!"

Adam looked like he wanted to punch her, but he seemed to rethink. He remembered the last time he had injured her.

A male, mid-twenties, came up to Mr. Zonde. His shades covered his eyes from our view.

"I'm here to pick up the Noble family." He stated.

We were told that our new names would be the Nobles. Mr. Zonde told us our first names would stay the same. I was pretty surprised only our last names would change. Anne and Catherine's full names had changed to Abigail and Christie when they had moved to Edmonton.

"Yes, we are." Mr. Zonde answered.

"Please follow me."

We followed the dude in the glasses to his black SUV.

We handed him our suitcases and he put them in the trunk. Adam and Catherine took the very back seats, while Anne and I climbed into the middle row of seats. Mr. Zonde took the passenger seat beside the dude in the shades.

"I'm Matthew. Please don't call me anything otherwise." The driver said.

"What about..." Adam started but was instantly cut off.

"If you dare say Matt, I won't hesitate to shoot you." Matt(hew) threatened.

"I-I was going to say... just shoot me now. I deserve it." Adam sulked.

The rest of the ride went in silence. Adams fear radiated throughout the car.

The car slowed to a stop, and we exited.

"Welcome to your new home! If you have any questions, ask somebody who isn't me." Matt(hew) said.

"Does it have to be this house?" Adam whined.

"What did I just say?" Matt(hew) snapped. "Don't ask me questions, especially stupid questions like that!"

Matt(hew) flipped around and started to hand us our bags. Once they were all given to us, he got in his vehicle. Without a good-bye, he left us to our new pink house.

"At least it will give us a good disguise. Who would suspect a group of mafia members would live in an old grandmas house?" Catherine chuckled.

"Hey! Grandmas house is much nicer than this!" Mr. Zonde said.

"Hers is definitely more... exciting, thats for sure. I especially like the exploding dog statues by her fireplace, and the chloroform doorbell, not to mention the acidic ice in her fridge."

"I haven't seen her for a few years!" Anne commented.

"Does she still have the poisonous wallet in case someone was to mug her?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, but she's upgraded it. If it doesn't get the mugger on the skin, as soon as it is opened, it sprays acid in the persons eyes." Catherine replied.

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