Chapter Two

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 Rachel Hurd-Wood as Anne


[Catherine, 00:23, Somewhere over lower BC] 

I still can't believe how calm Anne was about forgetting the fingers to feed Sally! I made Joe stop outside a bigger city that Anne called Kelowna. She also mentioned that we should keep moving because my dad would be mad enough as is, but I just ignored her remark. We killed a guy who was trying to rob a small restaurant. Anne wasn't happy about us stopping though, or the fact that I went in without a mask. 

"I just don't understand," Anne said, vigorously scrubbing off the layers of makeup she wore for the mission, "How you can just kill the guy, and leave the owners of the restaurant, cowering in the corner! Imagine their mental state!" 

I clambered back into the helicopter as Joe started it up again. My partner in crime tossed away the cloth, now covered in foundation, and sat down, buckling up.  Anne felt more simpathy for victims, as she is one herself. We had accidentally kidnapped her when she was 7. She decided to stay with us because her parents were abusive to her. It was actually Joe who mistook her for someone else. The Ukrainian-Canadian mafia sent her (and, by consequence, Joe) down to Chicago to grow up with me so we could be the perfect little murderers. Buckling up, I took out my iPhone and opened up a random app I owned. 

"He was committing a crime, and we kill those who commit crimes." I shrugged off her question, tapping rapidly on some buttons to make it seem like the question didn't bother me. In truth, Anne asks these questions all the time. Murder is fun, murder is great. Questioning Mafia logic would get her a target painted on her back, screaming 'I might turn on you, as I'm asking too many questions!'. That'd get her into a lot of trouble. 

Anne gave an overly dramatic sigh, but it was barely heard over the Helicopter motor. "Okay." 

The trip wasn't long, as we were currently stationed in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada. Anne once mentioned she had a cousin there, but Edmonton is a big city, and no one would know what she looked like now anyways. It was dark, and the helicopter landed a couple of hundred kilometres away from the edge of the suburbs. Most of the Mafia lived in the richer, 'safe' parts of the neighbourhood, so it was easy to blend in if we acted nice and placed a smile on our faces. We were new to the place, and known as the twins 'Abigail and Christie', a sweet pair of girls. Christie was homeschooled, and no one got to see her because she had a very bad immune system. Abigail, on the other hand, was going to the local Highschool when it opened back up this fall after a fire. Anne didn't seem that happy to play the part of Abigail, but because my dad said so, she did. Me, on the other hand, was-and still am- glad I'm not going to a dumb public school were they have a bunch of personal space rules. Even if it had an awesome name such as SOWXIOS (said sa-woo-x-see-is). 

My thoughts consumed me as I tossed my headphones to the side, and hopped into a car that was waiting for us. Anne waved goodbye to Joe. I looked into the car and scowled. My two absolute favourite people (not) were already sitting in the car. 

"Hello Jessica, Max," Anne politely sat in the middle of the seats, so Jessica and I wouldn't get into a fight. 

"Anne, it's lovely to see you," Jessica said in an equally polite tone. Max just nodded his head. I had forgotten they got a different mission as we got to kill what's-his-face up in Alaska. I still shivered from the cold.

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