Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

[Catherine, 11:11, The Kremlin]

"Hold your feet up, Anne!" I commanded. We were standing across from the building that was famously known as The Kremlin.

"How the heck am I supposed to do that, Catherine?" Anne inquired. I wrapped my arms and legs around a power post, no longer touching the ground, but having to hold on with my strength.

Although I wasn't facing Anne, I could tell she was rolling her eyes as she said, "You're crazy!"

"No I'm not! Its 11:11 and we are going to need all the luck we can get!" I looked at my watch just as it turned 11:12. I hopped down from the pole, only to come face to face with an annoyed Anne.

"We seriously need to get you checked into a hospital or something." Anne sighed.

I merely chuckled at her comment.

"We need to figure out how to get in, Catherine." Annes serious voice brought me back to the situation at hand.

"I know. I thought you had it covered though."

"Oh yeah!" Anne waved her hands about. "The secret passages into The Kremlin are on the internet for anybody to follow."

I smirked at her sarcasm. "That's alright. We'll just wing it."

"When are we never winging it?"

"Um, do you not remember that amazing plan for that Russian spy, John Lookes? Or was it James Licks? Or Jimmy..."

"Catherine! Look!" Anne and I became quiet as we saw the shadow of a person enter The Kremlin. I didn't know if I had seen correctly when the person slid underground, but the look on Annes face confirmed my suspicions.

"You ready for this, Anne?" I inquired. She nodded before placing her mask on her face. I followed suit, and placed the suffocating mask on my face.

"Ugh!" I complained. "I hate masks. They feel so suffocating!"

Anne rolled her eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, we're wasting time just standing here."

We started forward, keeping to the shadows. It wasn't that difficult, let me just say. It was as if the people knew something was about to happen tonight, and had deserted the area. I didn't blame them.

As we snuck forward, I recalled the facts about the Kremlin I had imbedded into my brain.

The Kremlin was built in the 12th century. It is a walled fortress inside of Moscow. The cathedrals inside of the walls were 15th century religious architectures. The Kremlin also includes the armoury, the Grand Kremlin Place, and the Senate Building that used for the Soviet Union. It was smart of the Russian Mafia to use it as their Base.

I had a small wish that I could have gone with mom and Lucas to the Russians. I missed them so much, and I...

"You ready?" Anne wondered.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and luckily I did. I was here to kill my mother and twin. They meant nothing to me, and I meant nothing to them. They didn't love me. They never had and never will.

I nodded to the sensible one of us, and she placed her hand against the wall. I could tell that many others had used it, for the wall was starting to become smooth.

Suddenly, we were being lowered to the ground. It wasn't like in those movies where they dropped you in and you slid down a fun-looking slide before coming to the control room. It was almost as if we were in a plane as it started to descend. I got the almost weightless feeling in my stomach as we lowered to a dimly lit room.

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