Chapter 3:

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The next day was school. You hated going to school but you always dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt cause you didn't care what you looked like at school but in public you did care.
But Austin never noticed how cute you were until he was at your house and you were in jeans and a crop top.

A couple days go by and you haven't seen Austin at school or over at your house. So you ask your sister for his number to see what's wrong with him?!
Y: Hey Austin it's Sarah
A: Hey...
Y: What's wrong?
A: i got strep throat.
Y: aww I hope you feel better.
A: thanks. How are you?
Y: good.
A:that's good.
Y: yeah. You should come over when your better.
A: oh I will.
Y: you better.
A: haha. I'm going to go. Talk to you tomorrow.
Y: ok. Bye
A: bye love!
After the convo you got comfy and ate some pizza and laid in bed, watched Netflix.

The next day you woke up and dressed in leggings and a long shirt and some sneakers. When you were ready you started walking and Austin pulled up beside you and told you to get in. You did as you were told and went to school with Austin.
A: you look nice today.
Y: aw thanks.
A: your welcome!
When you reached school you went to your locker and Austin followed. When you were done in your locker you hung around with Austin until the bell rang for the 1st period.
At the end of the day Austin offered to take you home but instead he went by his house for something. When you reached his house it was Huge! And I mean huge! He told you to come inside and you did as you were told. When you walked it was even bigger. He had a basketball hoop on his wall it was awesome. While you two were messing around playing basketball a girl walked in and went immediately upstairs and slammed the door.
Y: um.. Austin who's that?
A: oh that's just my sister
Y: oh how old is she?
A: she's 13 about to be 14 soon.
Y: aw. I should meet her when she's not in a bad mood.
A: yeah I'm sorry about that.
Y: it's ok.
Austin sister ( Emily ) calls for Austin to come upstairs.
A: What?
E: Can you come here please?
A: yeah. Be right there.

A: hey I'm sorry I will be right back. Make your self at home.
Y: oh ok. Thanks.
A: welcome.
Austin runs upstairs to his sisters room. And he's there for a while so you look around and then some on else walks in and it's Alex.
Alex: Austin?! Are you here?
A: yeah I'm upstairs with my sister.
Alex: oh ok. Is Sarah here?
S: Yeah I'm in the kitchen.
A: oh ok.
Alex goes to the kitchen to look for you and your in the fridge looking for something to eat.
Alex: what's you looking for?
Y: ugh... Just something to eat/snack on.
A: ok. What would you like?
Y: umm.... What about some Bacon?
A: coming right up.
Y: really?
A: yeah. It will be done in about 5-15 minutes.
Y: okay thanks.
A: your welcome you can go in the living room and watch some tv if you would like.
Y: okay thanks.
A: welcome.
While Alex is cooking you decide to look around more around the house. You go into this one room and there's fish. You look at them and then turn to see all the awards Austin's won.
Y: Wow!
When the bacon is done you wonder back to the kitchen to find Alex already eating.

When Austin comes downstairs he wants you to follow him. He goes into his studio with his fish and all of his awards. He tells you to sit down so you do, and he plays his new song. "Someone Like You" after you listened to it you started to cry. It was amazing and so touching.
A: What is your favorite part of the song?
Y: um... My fav is probably the part where it says
"I don't want to be good
I just want to be great
I just want to be the best that I can be."
A: That's probably my favorite also.
Y: And I like the last part of the song.
A: Aww thanks.
Y: I would probably play that at my wedding when I'm older.
A: Haha. Yeah!
Y: I love that song it's going to be on repeat all night!
A: aww!
After the convo.
Austin took you home and walked you up to your door and gave you a kissed you on the cheek.

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