Chapter 14

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When we got home from Coachella, we were wore out.
That night when I got unpacked Jose came into my room and asked if we could go somewhere tomorrow? I said yeah and I couldn't wait for what he had planned.
We had to drive about 45mins. He took me to SeaWorld in SA Texas. It was a amusement park. It was huge. We stayed there all day and then in the morning get up and go home. So we can hang out and have a lazy day before I got to work.

Katies POV:

When I got to Sarah's house I saw Austin's car parked outside but when I went in it was quiet. It was scary. I said hello 2 or 3 times and then I heard something fall from upstairs. So I walked upstairs and found Austin going through Jose's things. I sneak behind him and hit him with a frying pan. He immediately fell to the ground. I hurried and called 911. When the people got there the arrested Austin for being on Private Property without telling The person who lived there. I immediately called Sarah but she didn't answer. She must have been with Jose cause she didn't answer.
I walked over to Alex's to tell him but he kicked me out of his house since I was there. He didn't even let me finish my sentence. So I went back to Sarah and started crying on her front porch of just everything that has happened.
End Of POV!

When we got home Katie was outside crying.
Meanwhile Jose was talking to her on what happened and I was unlocking the door. When we got inside the place was a wreck. I know it was clean before we left......
While we searched the house we found something unusual it was a camera. It was recording us. So I asked what happened here. So Katie told me everything that happened. I was so mad at Austin I want to flip a table.


Today is the day that Jose is taking me to a special place. He said that he was going to blind fold me and then drive to the destination once we got there he would take it off.
While I was at work Austin came in and he looked scary as crap. He creeped me out. He came to the front desk and asked if he could talk to me. So I said yeah and he walked behind me to a table and he scared me. I thought he was going kidnap me that's how scared I was. He was dressed in all black and he looked like he was on some drugs.
After the talk he told me that he was sorry for what happened yesterday. I accepted his apology.
Meanwhile while I was working about to get off Jose was waiting for me to get done he sat to the side and waited. Once I was done we went out to the car he looked mad. He said that we would have to go to the surprise another day. I asked what happened and all he said was Austin!
I knew exactly why he was mad. When we were driving home we saw Austin on the side of the road he looked like he was up to something.
When we got home are whole house was silly stringed. ( and that stuff is hard to get off of things if its hot outside )
I wondered why Austin was doing this. First breaking in to our house then silly string. What is up with him?

The Next Day:

The next day Jose and I had to go to work but Katie was going to be there.
After work Jose and I are supposed to go somewhere as he said.
I got off at 2 and he got off at 3. When we got home everything was fine, Katie said that she was going to go hang out with Matthew. And Jose and I were going to go somewhere where ever he was taking me.

Jose POV:

I decided to take Sarah to GattiLand!
( it's a place where you play games if you didn't know )
It's super fun and then tomorrow I'm going to take her to Trampoline World! Then the next day to Laser Tag! Laser tag is super fun, so is trampoline world.
End Of POV!

When we get in the car he blind folds me cause he doesn't want me to see where we are going. When we got to the place he took the blind fold off and I screamed. I loved GattiLand as a kid. I haven't been in years.

Meanwhile we were playing games and Alex was there and he was with another girl that fast. I couldn't believe it. He just broke up with Katie just a few days ago and he's already with another girl how could he.

Jose and I went on the Bumper cars and let's just say they were fun as a kid. But I wonder if they are still the same? When we got on there was 4 other people and it was super fun. I mean super fun! When we got off we played a couple more games then turned are tickets in together and we had about 2,000 tickets. We got some toys like we need them but who cares.
When we got home nothing was wrong with house. When we went in it was still the same as it was. Jose and I thought it was weird but I guess Austin gave up.
That night we took showers and ate then to bed.

The next morning I didn't have to work and neither did Jose. So he decided to take me to another place blind folded.
When we got there took the blind fold off and we were at Trampoline world! I immediately hugged Jose and said Thank You Thanks you! He said " Your Welcome "
After Trampoline World we went to dinner then to home! He told me that we were going somewhere tomorrow.

The next day we get up and get ready for work Jose told me that he had my outfit picked out in the bathroom and it was pretty I have to say. Jose said that he would pick me up at 2 and we would go to the place. I was so excited! After the day at work Jose picked me up and we were on our way to the place. This time was different cause he didn't blind fold me. When we arrive I looked up and we were going Laser Tag! It was a huge building. I had a feeling that it was going to be fun! When we walked inside it was packed. But we waited our turn and when it was we were on separate teams. It was so fun! When the game was finished the person at the counter said that we could play again. After that game we were all sweaty and gross. When we got outside it was super hot. I thought I was going to die cause of all the hotness. When we reached the car we turned on the Air and it felt so good to be in cold air.

When we reached home it was so hot inside. We went to the thermostat to check what the temperature was and it was 90 degrees. It was super hot! I thought I was going to die again of the heat. We tried turning it down but it wouldn't. So we called the air conditioning company and told them what was wrong they said they would be over in about an Hour to check it out.
When the people go to our house they said they would have to fix it and it would be about a day or two to get it fixed. We decided to get some clothes and ask Alex if we could stay there while our Air conditioning got fixed. He said "Yeah"
While we stayed there we stayed in our rooms and slept and watched tv until the next day.

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