Chapter 12

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Tuesday: Katie and Alex, Jose and I are going on a date! It's going to be the best double date. Also our first since they have been dating. Jose and I are still just friends.... But I really wish Austin would forgive me. But I know he never will so Idc anymore. I'm not worried about him. I was just worried about myself, Jose, Alex and Katie.


My Monday went well I went to work @ 1 and get off at 5. A short day. Then tomorrow I'm off, that's the big day! The date! I can't not wait for the date. It's going to hopefully go well. When my work shift was done i got me and Jose something to drink then I walked home. I walked in a yelled: Jose I'm home. Jose: Okay I'm in the kitchen.
So I walked in the kitchen and sat down. I asked what he was making. He said pizza. I was surprised that he was cooking. You sat down at the bar and drank your drink. When the pizza was done Jose pulled it out and say it on the counter. That night you all sat on the couch and watched tv/ movies.


You all woke up early to get ready for the big day! You wore a Flower dress, with a White Jean Jacket, Flower Crown, Necklace and curled my hair. When I was finished getting ready. I looked for Jose. He was wearing Jeans, and a Flannel. He looked nice today.
When you all met up with Alex and Katie you all went to a fancy restaurant and ate. After you all ate you all went to the movies you all saw the ( Your Favorite Movie ) It was an amazing movie. After the movie you all went out for ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.
When you all got home is was about 9pm. I went to my room and showered and got ready for the night. After I was ready for the night I went to check on Jose and told him that I was going to go to bed. He was go to do the same he had to get up early and go to a job interview.
Jose and I: Outfit links:
Katie and Alex Outfit:


I go back to work today and I mean it's fun working there but it's a little boring. Jose went to a meeting today to get a job at PacSun. He looks like he would work there.
When i get home later that night I see Jose he was asleep on the couch. He looked so cute asleep. I go over by him and kiss his forehead. He immediately woke up.
J: W-what was that about?
M: ummm... Idk. You just look so cute sleeping.
J: oh ok. Thanks? ( a little unsure )
M: You hungry?
J: Yeah I'm starving.
M: what would you like?
J: um... What about pizza?
M: I would love some. I will call Pizza Hut and have them deliver it.
J: okay.
When the pizza arrives you all put it on the table and dug in.


Thursday morning went well. Katie called me and told me that we got invited to Coachella! I started freaking out! I was running through the house screaming. I couldn't wait to go. I would have to take off work cause it's like a Week thing if you want to stay that long. I would leave on Sunday and stay until next Sunday. But this one starts on Tuesday!
Jose came out of his room and stopped me from screaming. But you didn't see him so I kept on running till I hit him and fell. He helped me up and asked what I was screaming about. So I told him and he was happy he started jumping up and down.
Later that day I got off work and came home when I walked in Alex was over. I was surprised to see him. But he was talking to Jose so I went upstairs and showered then came back down and Alex was still there. So I went back to my room and played some music and danced and got ready to go to bed. Right before you laid down there was a knock at the door. You got up and it was Jose he told me we needed to talk. He told me that Austin wanted to me up with me tomorrow after work. I was surprised that he said that.
My eyes popped open and I immediately got up and started walking back and forth. I didn't want to see him after what he did.


Today after work I would be meeting with Austin. I was so mad on why I had to see him. I didn't want to see or talk to him after what he did it was wrong. Meanwhile while I was at work Austin came in.... He got s drink and asked if we could talk so I said yeah and we went to a table and he wanted to talk about Jose. So I asked him what did he do?
A: Can we talk about Jose?
M: yeah what did he do?
A: nothing nothing. I t-think I'm jealous of him.....
M: why do u say that?
A: because I didn't want you to see him.
M: yeah. Can we change the subject?
A: NO!
M: W-Why?
A: Because I want to say I'm sorry. And Jose is Just perfect for you.
M: Austin stop....
A: No.
You get up and clock back in you didn't want to talk about Jose anymore. Austin came up to the counter and told me to talk to him after the shift. I told him no and he was mad. He walked out of the shop and almost broke the door. I asked if I could have the rest of the day off work because I needed to go home and take care of some things. They said yeah, cause they seen the problems that I had with Austin.
When I got home I was crying make-up everywhere. Jose heard me come in and he saw me crying he came up to me and asked what was wrong. So I told him and he told me that Austin was just a jerk. Why would he say that I was perfect? He is weird now.
After the conversation we went out for dinner at Taco Bell. While we were there we saw Austin. I thought to myself this is going to be bad. It actually wasn't he didn't talk to me. I was happy cause I didn't want to talk to him.

Saturday and Sunday:

Me and Jose just stayed home cause I had the weekends off and also a day in the week. Jose and I just had movie days and ate pizza and chilled out!

We did try and make another pizza but he
ended up having some fun making it. First there was flour thrown on me so then I took the pizza sauce and flung it on Jose. From there it was crazy by the time we were done the kitchen was a mess and so were we. It was bad. When we got the kitchen cleaned up the pizza was done. After we ate there was a knock at the door it was Austin. I didn't answer so I just went back to the kitchen. Jose asked me who it was and I told him that it was Austin. He said oh ok. Aren't you going to answer it?
M: Nope.
J: oh ok.
When the pizza was gone I took a shower and so did Jose. We were a mess. When I was done there was a knock at my balcony door. I wasn't going to answer it since I was In a town so I got dressed and opened it, it was Austin. I told him to go away but he came in. I told him again to get out or I was going to call the cops. He didn't listen so u picked up the phone and was about to call the cops and Austin slapped the phone out of your hands and slammed you against the wall Jose must of heard cause he came running in. Austin was screaming at you and you were screaming at him to get off of you. Jose pulled Austin off of you and Yelled at him to get out and never come back.

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