Chapter 11

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when I got home i got yelled at by Austin. He told me that he saw me with Jose and he went on and on. I basically wasn't paying attention at all. When I heard he was done talking I went to my room and slammed the door. I took a shower and got pjs on and turned my tv on. I was dozing off when I heard a loud knock at the door, I jump up and fell out of bed. When I open the door Austin yelled at me to pack my things and get out.
*End of flashback*

So it's been a week since I've seen Austin. I was really mad at what he said to me so I went out and got a job at Starbucks since I loved it. I will get my first pay check Tuesday. I have been living with Katie and Alex till I can get a house. Alex said he would help me since he had a lot of money. Or he said he would just have someone build my house. So I agreed with him to have someone build a house next to his house. He said he would get them working on it in about 2 days. They have check under ground and stuff.Then they will start building.
When I got my paycheck it was $30.00
For working 1 week they game me a raise.

It has been 3 weeks and my house it half way build. Tbh Alex ordered some nice stuff for it. I can't wait to see the whole thing once it's finished. Alex said it was going be 3 stories. Basement, middle and Upstairs and a pool and fenced in property. He also said it was going to be beautiful.
I was so thankful to have Alex. He was so nice.
When the house was done it was beautiful! The house link will be below! 👇👇👇👇👇 (You will need to scroll down on the picture)
Alex bought you furniture for the whole place. When it was done with everything. You moved in a told Jose to come check it out. When he got there his jaw dropped. It was beautiful he yelled. He asked if he could live with you. You said yeah and said you will have to get a job and help pay for the house payments. He agreed to do that.
The next day you had to go meet Jose's mom, dad and brother. You got up super early cause you were meeting them at 11 am. You wore a Blue crop top with some light blue jeans and some Red Vans and a Red bow. I done my make up girly but not to girly. When I was ready I walked to the destination to meet them. Jose wore some Black Jeans, and a white shirt with some red sneakers.
The meeting with his parents and brother went really good. They decided to let him live with me for a while until he got tired of me (chuckles). Jose: I won't get tired of her.
Jose's mom: don't you all do anything bad.
J: we won't. Trust us.
JM: you better not or you will be coming back home.
J: Okay okay.
After they leave you walk back home and get everything set up for Jose. Alex said that he would give me some money for Jose and I to go shopping. I told Jose that we were going to go shopping when he would arrive. When he arrive I helped unpack something then went to Walmart to get him some guy stuff for his room. If he didn't find anything there then we were going to go to the mall. We ended up going to the Mall and he found a lot more things. I also got some things for my room. I decided to do Diy on YouTube to show how to do things for your room for Holidays, organizing, and much more. Jose started to sing and got a little famous from that. You told him in about a year or two he would become famous.
Outfit Links: (My friend made it)
Your choice for Jose: (My friends) or (Mine)
A/N: I have decided to do 15 chapter for now I might change my mind about it. But for now there's going to be 15 chapters. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far. When it's done in going to have a new story on here! Be sure to check out my recent stories of you haven't already.
~ Author (Sarah)

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