Chapter 10

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Today is the first actual day that I have been home. Last night Jose stayed over, he slept in Austin's room. When I got up I took a shower and got ready for the day. I wore black jeans with a red shirt and straightened my hair. I pinned my hair back and put in a black and red bow. When I was ready I went to the kitchen to find Jose standing there looking at me.
J: Where you going?
M: no where. You?
J: No where. What do you wanna do today?
M: wanna go out for some Starbucks and maybe a movie?
J: sound like a plan.
M: you can borrow some of Austin's clothes I'm sure he won't mind.
J: ok thanks.
While Jose gets ready I put on my shoes and go outside and wait. It was a beautiful day to be inside all day. I decided after the movie we go to Starbucks instead of that first. After that run him home and get his skateboard and run by mine and get my penny board and we could go for a ride today since it's nice out. When Jose is ready I tell him the plan and that's fine with him.

The movies:

We couldn't decide which movie to watch, We ended up seeing Furious 7. It was an amazing movie, the ending was sad tho.
But altogether it was good. I really enjoyed it and I think Jose did to.


Jose asks what I would like and I tell him a
Cotton Candy Frappé. He tells me ok and then to find a table. When he comes back he has our drinks. He got the Chocolate Frappé. It looked good. He let me try his and it wasn't all that good. He tried mine and he said that the next time he comes back he's getting the Cotton Candy one. He said it was better than the Chocolate one.


While it was still nice we rode our skateboards/ penny boarding. I had a great time today. When we reach home again I walk in a surprised to see Austin home.
A: where have you been?
M: Out with Jose why?
A: I've been trying to get ahold of you.
M: well I'm sorry I didn't have my phone with me I left it here.
A: next time take it with you and I don't want you to see Jose again.
M: what? Why?
A: because he's not good for you!
M: then who is?
A: Me!
M: really?! I would date you but it's weird living with you and dating you!
A: so.
M: so it doesn't fell right!
A: ok whatever but if I see you with Jose again you will not live here!
M: Why?! Your just jealous.
He didn't say a word after that.
I storm off crying. When I reach my room I lock my door and call Jose. I told him everything that Austin said. But he didn't care. He would still care for me.
If I got kicked out then I would just go and get a house with Katie and we will live together cause if Austin's going to be a Jealous Jerk then she's not going to live with him either. But if she ends up living with Alex then I don't know what to do. The next day:

The next day the whole day was ruined. I told Jose that I would sneak out because I was going to the studio @ 6:30 and wouldn't be home until midnight. While I was getting ready Austin knocked on the door and said that he was going to IHOP and asked if I wanted to go. I said yeah and told him to let me gets changed. I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. I slipped on some shoes and we went to the Austin's car and I sat in the back cause I didn't want to talk to him after last night. But I knew I would have to talk at lunch.
When we got home is was already 3pm and Jose would be here around 7-730pm to make sure that Austin wasn't around to see him.
When I was ready it was 6pm if I walked out of my room Austin would ask where I was going. Then I would have to make up something.
It was about 20 minutes until 7 and Austin left I waited until 7 to text Jose to tell him that Austin left.


The date was amazing to get it started we went to a fancy restaurant. Then we went for a walk in the park. When you all were walking you saw Austin drive by you told Jose to hide. Austin pulls over and tells me to get inside the car. You refuse to and he get out and yells at you to get in. You refuse again and start running. Austin gets back in the car and goes back home. You find Jose and tell him that you have to go home now cause that was Austin that came by and told me to get in and I refused to. So I got to go sorry.
J: it's ok. See you tomorrow?
M: yeah if i can.
J: ok get ahold of me.
M: sure will.

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