Chapter 7

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It has been a year since I've lived with Austin. I haven't heard of seen from my
sister. I guess she doesn't care about me no more. Alex and Katie started dating not even a month and they are already buying stuff for each other. Every now and then I see Jose. We hang out at the park when we can. Austin can finally drive us places without Alex driving us everywhere. Emily Austin's sister is now dating someone named Shawn, he's kinda cute, he's nice cause he walks her home after school.
Tomorrow I'm going to hang out with Jose, I think Austin get jealous when I'm around Jose. I would love to date Austin but I think it would be weird since I live with him. I'm starting to fall for Jose. He has those perfect looks of his is just gives me chills thinking about him.

Austin is starting to get noticed from record producers. He is a really good singer. I hope he become famous on day because he is super talented. He says if he doesn't make it singing he will be a basketball player. He loves connecting to his fans/ mahomies. He likes to get on Ustream. Every now and then I get on with him to talk with him cause he gets bored and doesn't know what to do so I give him ideas. Sometimes Alex gets on with him and they do some crazy things.

It has been 9 months and Austin is getting a record producer. We meet with him in 2 days. We have to fly to Miami, I think it will be fun. While we are down their Austin gets a call from his mom that his Mema has passed. He immediately drops his phone and runs over to me and starts crying non - stop. All he wants to do is go home and cry. I feel extremely bad for him cause his Mema was always there for him. All I can do is stay by his side and hug him.
The next day we will find out if Austin wants to sign with the record producer.
The next day:
Austin gets a call and he got the record producer he wanted.
When he gets in the studio he records his first song 11:11. From that song on he starts getting noticed by more and more people. When he put it out it went sky high, that night he decided to do a Ustream and thank everyone that bought it. After the ustream we went out for pizza and blowing to celebrate.

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