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I'm trying my hand at a soulmate AU. I don't know when it takes place, but I think it's a cute fanfiction nonetheless. Also, this story may as well be called "Jack and Davey Being Idiots for 2245 words."


Everyone has a soulmate, and everyone knows how old they'll be when they meet their soulmate. On the day the person will meet their soulmate, they get one other hint about who they are. It could be something as vague as hair color or as direct as first name. 

My older sister knew she'd be fourteen when she met her soulmate. One morning, she woke up shouting, "They have red hair! They have red hair!" we all knew what she meant. Her soulmate was a girl named Katherine, and they're absolutely perfect together. 

My younger brother was only eight when he met his soulmate last year. On his first day of third grade, he asked my mom if we knew anyone named Selina, but we didn't. He came home distraught, saying he hadn't met anyone named Selina. It wasn't until later in the school year that he found out that Selina was a girl in his class who went by Sally. The point is, you might not even realize you've met your soulmate when you do.

I was scheduled to meet my soulmate when I was fifteen. It was anxiety-inducing, knowing any day I could get my hint. Soulmates were supposed to be a beautiful thing that kept the universe in balance, but that's not all I saw. I saw the possibility of never realizing my soulmate was my soulmate and not only being alone forever but forcing them to be alone forever. I didn't want to force that on someone who was supposed to be mine and only mine forever.

The day I was supposed to meet my soulmate, my eyes opened at six in the morning, an unusual time for me to wake up. The note Central Park filled my brain. I didn't process it at first, but when I did, I sat up with a jolt and gasped.

"Davey? Is something wrong?" Les, my little brother, sat up slowly in his bed. We shared a room, so I must have woken him up, "did you have a nightmare?"

"No, I..." I stood up, "I got my hint!"

"You're going to meet your soulmate today?" Les rubbed his eyes, "it's about time,"

"Wow... I... I can't believe it," I shook my head, "it's finally happening," I started getting ready for the day. I wore one of my nice shirts and my newest pair of jeans. I spot-cleaned my sneakers and made sure my hair was combed. I wasn't usually a "dress-to-impress" kind of guy, but today I felt I had to... dress to impress. While I waited for my family, I sat in the living room and thought about what I would say to my soulmate if I figured out who they were. I was sure the words would come to me, and if they didn't, come on, my soulmate of all people would understand. I watched the sunrise out the front window of my family's apartment, and soon my family was awake and asking me why I was up so early. Les told them that I was supposed to meet my soulmate that day, and my mom started freaking out and asking me what my hint was.

I explained what I knew over breakfast. Sarah (my older sister) was just as ecstatic as my mom. She said I had to introduce her to my soulmate as soon as I knew who they were. After breakfast, I brushed my teeth and started walking to Central Park, my heart beating loudly with every step I took. I didn't know what to do when I got there. I just stood there, hands in pockets, too afraid to talk to anyone. I often had to muster up the courage to do anything. I didn't know how best to do this. Did I just ask?

"Hey, is anyone looking for their soulmate today?" I heard someone say, "no one? Okay,"

"Um..." I looked around, the person asking looked a little older than me, he was wearing a hat, but I could still see that he had brown hair, blue eyes, and confident posture.

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