Treksies part 3 of 5: SO. MANY. HILLS.

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Not surprisingly, almost everyone fell asleep quickly. The first day had been so exhausting, Katherine and her friends didn't know HOW to feel about what was undeniably to come. 

They woke up the next day to someone playing reveille on a bugle.

"I thought we were camping, not in the military," Romeo groaned and sat up.

"You ever sleep so good you forget where you were?" Jack stretched, "kinda wish I had that right now," 

They had a breakfast of yogurt, protein granola, and fruit before packing their stuff back into their handcarts and lined up to start walking.

This time, the company Jack and Davey were in was going first. Fortunately, the beginning of their hike was nice and flat. Everyone kept a nice, steady pace, taking turns pushing the cart, and at times even singing songs.

Much like the previous day, Jack made Davey re-apply sunscreen every time they stopped for a spiritual thought, although the sun didn't seem to be Davey's problem. A bit later in the day, Davey started scratching his knee, then the itching spread to his shins, and then ankles.

"What's wrong, Davey?" Sister Milan noticed what was happening.

"I don't know, my legs are just really itchy," Davey frowned, "like I have a bunch of bug bites," 

"That seems likely... did you put on bug spray?" Sister Milan asked.

"No," Davey shook his head, then turned back to where Jack was and added, quite loudly, "just sunscreen,"

Sister Milan laughed, "It's a good thing you have your friend to look out for you, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess," Davey shrugged.

"When we stop for lunch we should see what's going on with your legs," Brother Milan had overheard their conversation. 

"How long until we stop for lunch?" Davey asked.

"Not long now," Brother Milan figured, "just... hang in there, and try not to scratch, that'll just make it worse,"

"Maybe pushing the wagon will get your mind off of it," Sister Milan added, "you haven't had a turn in a while. Why don't you switch out with... Devin, he's been pushing all day,"

"Yeah, take a break, Devin," Brother Milan agreed.

"Okay," Devin, one of Davey's trek brothers, reluctantly switched places with Davey. The extra work DID get Davey's mind off of the itching, but he was all the more tired when they got to the place where they were stopping for lunch.

The leaders passed turkey sandwiches out to everyone, and they had a prayer before eating. 

"Alright, Davey, roll up your pant legs, let's see what's making you itch," Brother Milan said.

Davey rolled up his pant legs, and, as he had expected, he was just about covered in mosquito bites. 

"Yikes," Sister Milan expressed, "we should probably go see if the nurse has anything to help with that,"

Jack noticed Davey being walked over to the nurse, and that made him concerned. "I hope Davey's okay," he told his trek family, whom he had more or less bonded with that day.

"You're not looking too hot yourself, Jack," Romeo pointed out, "actually, you look way TOO hot, but not in like the attractive sense, though you ARE very attractive... I'm trying to say you look sunburned,"

"What? I don't burn," Jack chuckled.

"Being out in THIS weather all day will make ANYONE burn," one of Jack's trek sisters, a girl named Marin, said. 

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