I Took A Writing Prompt

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"Alright, Jack," Race approached his college buddy, Jack, "it's a week from your birthday, which means YOU have to give us details about  your birthday party,"

"Same as every year, party games, snacks, and at least one thing I shouldn't be doing," Jack shrugged, "and my birthday is on a Saturday, so that's when the party will be,"

"This is not negotiable, you're inviting the love of your life," Race decided.

"He's not the love of my life," Jack scoffed, "I don't even know the guy,"

"Then change that," Race elbowed Jack, "maybe he can be the rule you break,"

"Oh, please," Jack rolled his eyes, "there's no way,"

"There he is," Race pointed, "go invite him,"

Jack shook his head and walked over to David, a nervous but smart guy in his English class, "Hey,"

"Hi," David was taken aback, maybe even startled.

"Do you want to come to my birthday party next Saturday?" Jack didn't want to waste any time.

Davey was even more shocked, he didn't know how to respond, "Hold, please," he went and disappeared around a corner, then he called his mom.

"Hey, sweetie, what's up?" His mom answered the phone.

"I need help, I don't know what to do," David whispered, "I was just invited to a party," 

"That's great, honey," His mom replied, "do you know the person?"

"Gee, I wish," David admitted, "We have a class or two together... what do I say?"

"You should go. A little social activity will be good for you," His mom offered.

"Mom, it's a college party, you know for a fact it's not going to be just 'a little social activity,'" David shook his head.

"You should still go... just be safe, okay?" His mom told him, "I love you,"

"I love you, too, mom," David hung up his phone and went back to Jack, "Okay, where and when is this party?"

The next Saturday, David was in a panic trying to ensure his safety when he went to the party.

"Okay, easy first step, stay sober... and don't eat or drink ANYTHING they offer to you," He decided, then went and filled up his own water bottle just in case he got thirsty, "Don't go anywhere alone with anybody... and blend in," he went and put on a dark blue hoodie that he hoped would stop him from standing out, "one more thing... don't be afraid to leave," he felt a little better as he left and went to the address Jack had given him.

It was definitely the place, there weren't any cars on the street, but the colorful lights coming through the blinds were enough to clue him in. There was a note on the door that said 'come on in,' So Davey hesitantly entered the house and was greeted by Jack.

"Am I late?" David asked, noticing several other people were already there. He hated being late.

"No, everyone else was early, see?" Jack pointed to the clock, it was the time he had specified, "Welcome. Do you want some fruit punch or anything?" 

"No, thank you. I have my own water," David held up his water bottle.

Jack tilted his head, "Are you sure? My brother made the punch, it's really good,"

"Yeah, no," David insisted, "no offense to your brother, I'm just being cautious,"

"Oh, okay, Mad-Eye Moody," Jack chuckled.

"You like Harry Potter?" David caught the reference.

"Love it," Jack nodded.

"I didn't take you for that kind of person," David blinked.

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