Crutchie is Basically Cupid PART 2

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"I didn't even know you had a brother," David admitted.

"Oh, yes," Crutchie stood up, "you've GOT to meet him, you'd really like him,"

"Oh, okay," David followed Crutchie into another room, where Jack was talking with some of his friends.

"Jack, have you met David?" Crutchie asked.

"Huh?" Jack blinked, "oh, no, I haven't... but... are you sure about this?"

"Would I be asking you if I wasn't sure?" Crutchie pointed out.

"Alright, you're the expert," Jack shrugged.

"Okay, everyone else, shoo," Crutchie nodded, "Jack, this is David,"

"Nice to meet you, Davey," Jack smiled.

"I'll leave you to it, then," Crutchie went around the corner, but he couldn't stop himself from listening in. 

"I don't know if you know this, but if Crutchie wants you to meet someone, it's kind of a big deal," Jack shrugs, "because, eight times out of eight, you end up falling in love with them,"

"Oh," David chuckled, "well... that's a little..."

"I know it seems weird, but..." Jack tried, "he's never been wrong,"

"I don't even know you," David pointed out.

"So, GET to know me," Jack shrugged.

Crutchie was suddenly distracted by Race picking up the glitter glue bottles and going to find Albert. 

"Uh... hey, why don't you two step outside for a little bit?" Crutchie told Jack and David, "like... right now," he ushered them out to the front yard.

"What?" David asked. 

"You don't want to be the bud of a prank involving glitter glue, do you?" Crutchie closed the front door.

"Well, no, but... what?" David repeated. 

"That's why Race invited you. I don't know what the prank is, but glitter glue is messy," Crutchie reasoned.

Now it was Jack's turn to ask, "What?" he started walking back inside to give Race a piece of his mind, "Okay, Race, I don't care if you think it's funny, you can't invite someone to a party just to prank them. That's not cool," 

"What? Come on, Jack, it's going to be funny," Race rolled his eyes.

"Too bad, I'm not going to let it happen," Jack shook his head.

"What's up with you, Jack?" Race scoffed, "I thought you'd be jumping to prank someone like this," 

"Oh, Crutchie paired Jack and Davey earlier," Albert told Race, "that must be it,"

"Makes sense," Race nodded, "alright, fine, we won't play the prank. But what are we supposed to do with all this glitter glue?"

"I don't know, think of something," Jack shrugged and went back outside, "I talked them out of it,"

"Thanks, Jack. I owe you one," David nodded.

By the time the party was over, David had definitely warmed up to the idea of being paired with Jack. 

"I don't understand how I do it," Crutchie told Jack once they got home, "how can I just... know that people will be perfect for each other?"

"I think I have an answer for that," Jack and Crutchie's mom, Medda, entered the room, "do you know who Cupid is?"

"Yeah, he's the Roman god of love and attraction," Crutchie replied.

"Yeah," Medda nodded, "well, he's also... your biological father,"

"Are you joking? You're joking, right?" Crutchie blinked.

"Why do you think you're such a good matchmaker?" Medda shrugged.

"I'm a demigod?" Crutchie pointed to himself.

"I didn't believe it until your match-making spree began," Medda admitted, "So, it's no coincidence that you've never failed at making a perfect couple," 

"Ha," Crutchie processed the information he'd just been given, "oh my goodness, I'm a demigod,"

"My brother is a demigod!" Jack smiled, "I've gotta text Davey about this,"

"Actually," Crutchie stopped him, "I'd prefer if you didn't tell anyone. I don't want word to get out and then have people lining up at our door wanting me to pair them with someone,"

"That's fair," Jack nodded, "I won't tell anyone, promise,"

"But who's this Davey person, Jack?" Medda questioned.

"Crutchie introduced me to him," Jack explained, "he's really nice,"

"Well, I look forward to meeting him," Medda smiled, "now, off to bed with you two, it's late," 

Monday morning when the boys got to school felt like a new beginning. Jack invited Davey to sit with them at lunch, to which Davey gladly accepted. 

"Hey, David, look," Race started, "I'm sorry I tried to prank you,"

"It's alright, no harm done," Davey shrugged.

"So, we're cool?" Race asked.

"Yeah," Davey nodded.

"Good, because you're going to be seeing a lot more of us," Race chuckled, "since you're dating Jack now,"

"D-dating? I don't know if I would say dating," Davey stuttered, "don't get me wrong, Jack, you're great, I just think it's a little too soon,"

"I'm willing to wait," Jack smiled.

"I'm pretty sure this makes my score ten for ten," Crutchie pretended to brag, "because of you and Davey, and then Race and Spot," 

"Hey, are you that match-making wizard kid?" an older girl asked Crutchie.

"That's me, are you wanting me to work my magic?" Crutchie smiled.

"If it's not too much trouble," the girl clarified.

"It's no trouble, I mean, if you have an hour of free time," Crutchie looked at the time on his phone. 

"Great," the girl nodded, "I'm Katherine, by the way,"

"Nice to meet you, Katherine," Crutchie shook Katherine's hand.

"Hey, maybe my older sister would like to talk to you, Crutchie," Davey half-joked, "if you're really so good at match making," 

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