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I guess I kind of invented some terminology here, so here's a key:

The Manhattan: the pirate ship captained by Jack Kelly

The Brooklyn: the pirate ship captained by Spot Conlon

First-mate: what these pirates call a significant other (this is why Katherine is referred to as second-in-command and not first-mate)

(disclaimer, I know nothing about pirates other than what I've learned from Peter Pan, so this is definitely more Newsies than pirate. I'm making these things up as I go, please bear with me)

"Sarah? Davey?" Les sat up, his sibling's boat had been caught in a storm, and they were stuck on a small island in the middle of the ocean. 

"Over here!" Les's older sister, Sarah, called. Les ran over to where his siblings were standing. 

"What do we do now?" Les asked.

"We just... wait," Davey sighed, "someone's bound to come to find us," 

"That could take ages," Les complained.

"Or not," Sarah ran to the edge of the island, "there's a ship! We could be saved," she started waving aggressively, "OVER HERE!!"

Les and Davey went over and joined her, and the ship started steering towards them. The siblings looked at each other and smiled. But as the boat approached, Davey slowly stopped waving. 

"Guys, that's a pirate ship," He hissed, "stop waving," 

"What?" Sarah questioned. 

"Ahoy, there!" One of the people on the pirate ship waved down to them, "I see you're in a bit of a pickle," 

"No, we're fine," Davey shook his head, "there's been a misunderstanding,"

"Davey, come on," Sarah elbowed him, "they just want to help,"

"I hope the fact that we're pirates doesn't put you off too much," The boy chuckled, "we won't hurt you, promise," 

"I don't know about this," Davey told his siblings.

"What choice do we have?" Sarah pointed out. 

Davey sighed and followed his siblings onto the ship. There had to have been at least twenty pirates onboard.

"Welcome aboard The Manhattan," the boy greeted us, "I'm Captain Jack Kelly,"

"And I'm second-in-command," a girl added, "call me Katherine,"

"I'm Sarah. These are my brothers, Davey and Les," Sarah smiled.

"Is this a real pirate ship?" Les looked around.

"You bet it is," Jack nodded, "the pirates of The Manhattan are the greatest pirates sailing the Atlantic today,"

"How many pirates are sailing the Atlantic?" Les asked.

"Uh..." Jack blinked, though he only had one visible eye because he wore an eyepatch, "as far as I know, other than us, it's just the pirates on The Brooklyn," he admitted, "but we're way better than they are,"

The rest of the pirates cheered in agreement. 

"So, how would you all like to be pirates?" Jack asked.

"Yeah!" Les cheered.

"Absolutely not," Davey shook his head, "there's no way we're joining a gang of pirates,"

"It's a crew, not a gang," Jack corrected him, "what do you have against us, anyway? We just saved you, didn't we?"

"You're pirates," Davey scoffed.

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