A Shot in the Dark

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DESCRIPTION: Modern AU, the newsies are junior-high(ish) age and spending the summer at camp. Will Jack's recurring nightmares keep him from enjoying his summer, or will his new friend help him conquer his fears and have a great summer?

Jack woke up from a dead sleep and gasped.

"That's night six," Crutchie yawned, "same dream?"

"Yeah, it gets worse every night," Jack groaned, "if this keeps up any longer I'm going to have to call Medda to take me home,"

"What's up with you this year? You didn't have a problem at summer camp last year," Crutchie pointed out.

"I don't know," Jack laid back down, "I was fine before last week,"

"I read somewhere that recurring nightmares can mean that something is missing from your life," Romeo turned on the lamp next to his bed.

"I read that it could have to do with mental illness," Elmer added, "maybe Jack should see a specialist," 

"I read that it can be related to substance abuse," Race shook his head, "Jack, are you doing drugs?"

"I'm not doing drugs, I don't have a mental illness, and I'm not missing anything in my life," Jack rolled his eyes.

"Boys, go back to sleep, it's three in the morning," their cabin leader told them.

"Sorry, sir," Romeo turned his lamp off and everyone went back to sleep. Everyone, that is, except for Jack. He couldn't close his eyes without reliving the climax of his nightmare. Eventually, however, he began fearing that his nightmare would become a reality, so he hid under his blanket and eventually fell back asleep.

When everyone woke up at nine in the morning, Jack had to be woken up by Crutchie. 

"They're serving waffles for breakfast," Crutchie told Jack, "we've got to go get some before the other cabin gets to them," 

The camp leader had an announcement that day while the two groups were eating breakfast.

"It's time for our first adventure of the year," She began, "this year, by popular demand, we will be navigating the Cryptic Caves, the wonder of the woods,"

There was a mumble of excitement among the campers. Cryptic Caves were a series of pitch-black caves that had been dug out by early settlers to the land.

"For our adventure, you will all need to find a partner..." the camp leader continued, "from the opposite cabin,"

Jack wasn't thrilled about the trip. His nightmares had taken place in pitch black darkness. 

"Hey, do you have a partner?" a boy from the other cabin asked Jack.

"No, but... I don't think I'm sticking around for the adventure," Jack admitted.

"Oh, what's wrong, Jack, are you a chicken?" Race teased, "You're going to call you mommy to take you home?"

"Shut up, Race," Jack shoved Race to the ground, but Race immediately got up and retaliated.

"Fine, I'll go on the stupid adventure," Jack stood up.

"Great," the boy from the other cabin nodded, "I'm Davey, by the way," 

"Nice to meet you, Davey, I'm Jack. Now, let's get our stuff together so we can get going as soon as possible," Jack decided that the sooner this was over, the better. 

"Now, before we get started on our adventure," the camp leader started when they were outside the cave, "just a few safety rules. I will be at the front and your cabin leaders will be at the back, you may not walk in front of me or behind them. Stay with your buddies, I don't want anyone left behind. Never walk without your head lamps on, and finally, don't forget to have fun," she turned around and headed into the cave. The more enthusiastic campers followed her right away, some stopped to take pictures with their disposable cameras, and Jack was frozen at the front of the cave.

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