Crutchie is Basically Cupid (modern/kinda fantasy AU) PART 1

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Crutchie wasn't like the rest of the people he knew. He had never once thought about himself in a romantic relationship, but he only too often thought of what other people would be like in a romantic relationship. He had some sort of knack for this, it was almost supernatural the way he could just tell after talking to you for an hour. His brother, Jack, for example, was quiet, maybe, but he had a big heart and made it known when he cared about someone. He would probably be really supportive and loving to whoever he ended up with, defend and protect them, care for and cherish them, it seemed like a crime that he was single. 

Crutchie spent a lot of his time trying to find the perfect match for Jack, but he couldn't seem to find anyone who was worth Jack's while. 

"Crutchie, are you and Jack going to my party on Saturday?" Crutchie's friend Race asked.

"Of course we are, we wouldn't miss your birthday party for the world," Crutchie smiled, "which reminds me, I met this guy at a Star Wars convention a few months ago, his name's Spot, and I think you'd really like him. Mind if I invite him, too?" 

"If this is anything like what you did for Blink and Mush, absolutely," Race nodded, "I have been DYING for a romantic partner,"

"Who else are you inviting to the party?" Crutchie questioned.

"Meh, the rest of our friends, a couple kids from track," Race listed, "oh, AND, this geek from my English class, just because Albert and I want to play a prank on him involving glitter glue,"

"Who?" Crutchie chuckled. 

"His name's David Jacobs," Race replied.

"Oh, he's in my math class, he's so sweet," Crutchie expressed, "are you sure you want to prank him?"

"It's going to be hilarious," Race promised, "we'll be talking about it FOREVER," 

Crutchie was about to say something in David's defense, but Race was off to talk to someone else. 

Crutchie talked to Spot about Race's party over the phone, and upon getting a confirmation, informed Race that Spot would, in fact, be at the party. 

Race was understandably excited. Crutchie had brought not one, not two, not even three couples together in the past. There was a total of eight couples that Crutchie had brought together, ranging from students to teachers, and even Crutchie and Jack's own adoptive mother. Everyone who knew Crutchie wanted to one day hear the words 'hey, have you met...' because once they did, it was forever. 

"So, what is it about me and Spot that make us so perfect for each other?" Race asked Crutchie on Friday. 

"Well, if you were in a relationship... I imagine you being... really cheesy and a little obnoxious, no offense," Crutchie started.

"None taken, continue," Race nodded.

"Spot would be really cool-headed. He's a really tough guy, and he'd let you know it, but not in an abusive or controlling way, do you follow?" Crutchie paused, "He would easily put up with your cheesiness and protect you at any cost," 

"You're a magician, Crutchie," Race beamed, "I can't wait," 

When Race's party rolled around, Crutchie started looking around for Spot, who he immediately made sure met Race. Then he noticed David sitting in a corner, not talking to anyone.

"Hey, David," Crutchie waved.

"Oh, hey, Crutchie, right? We're in math class together?" David remembered. 

"Yeah, that's me," Crutchie nodded, "It's nice to finally meet you for real," 

"My mom made me come to this party," David rolled his eyes, "I don't even know Race that well, I don't understand why he invited me," 

Spot and Race began hitting it off right away. 

"So, you're into Star Wars?" Race recalled.

"Yeah, it's cool," Spot was holding a clear plastic cup of whatever fruit juice Race had out. 

"Who do you think has the coolest lightsaber?" Race asked.

"Is that even a question? Kylo Ren, obviously. Who else has a tri-saber?" Spot scoffed, "but I'd rather have a laser blaster... this juice tastes like it has alcohol in it," 

"Why do you know that?" Race chuckled. 

"I've been to several parties, I know what alcohol tastes like," Spot explained.

"I know where the rest of it is if you'd prefer it not mixed with something," Race smirked.

"The juice or the alcohol?" Spot joked.

"What do you think?" Race started into the kitchen. 

"This is illegal," Spot whispered.

"No one's going to know," Race shook his head, "you know, Crutchie says we're perfect for each other,"

"Huh?" Spot blinked.

"Crutchie is some sort of love wizard, he's brought together at least eight perfect couples," Race went into the pantry.

"How many imperfect ones?" Spot questioned.

"That's the thing," Race handed Spot a bottle, "none. He gets it right every single time," 

"Spooky," Spot set the bottle on the counter.

"He describes exactly what makes them perfect, too," Race continued, "he says that I'd be 'cheesy and obnoxious' in a relationship,"

"Why do you have glitter glue?" Spot noticed a few bottles of glitter glue on the counter. 

"For a prank on this kid from my math class," Race laughed.

"You really ARE annoying," Spot nodded.

The party went from there, Spot and Race spent a while in the kitchen while Crutchie and David kept talking. After an hour had passed, Crutchie, as he had come to expect, knew what David would be like in a relationship; honest, hard-working, caring...

"Hey, David... you wouldn't happen to be dating anyone, would you?" Crutchie asked.

"Me? No, why?" David shrugged.

Crutchie smiled, "Have you met my brother, Jack?"

Sorry this took so long, folks. I was travelling and I didn't have much time for writing. I hope you enjoyed anyway!


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