Jack Kelly's Sketchbook

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As it is less than a month until Chapter 1 of Parentsies (Sequel to Newsies MS-HS AU) comes out, I'm writing the prologue here.

"It would be nice if we saw your face once in a while, Jack," Race rolled his eyes.

"I'm here, ain't I?" Jack didn't look up, "can't say the same for Davey,"

"He'll be home from school in less than two months," Crutchie reminded him, "calm down,"

"Your face is always buried in that stupid sketchbook," Race sat next to Jack, "what are you drawing, anyway?"

"Nothing," Jack quickly closed the sketchbook.

"Ooh, what are you drawing that you're so keen on hiding, Jack?" Race chuckled.

"It's nothing, just stupid doodles," Jack slid the sketchbook off the table.

"Have any of you seen Jack's face so red?" Romeo asked.

"Oh, jeez," Crutchie noticed, "there must be something REALLY embarrassing in that sketchbook,"

"Oh, now we've gotta know," Race grabbed the sketchbook, but Jack held on tight, no one could see what he had drawn.

"Cut it out, Race," Jack tried to pry Race's hands of the sketchbook, but Race was putting up a good fight. 

The tug-of-war lasted several seconds before Jack's hands eventually slipped.

"#$%&," Jack exclaimed, "give it back!"

"Not until we see what's in here," Race opened the sketchbook to the first page, then flipped to the next, the next, the next.

"Oh my gays," Race started flipping through the pages quicker.

"What is it?" Romeo stood up.

"It's ALL Davey," Race held the notebook up, "see? Like twenty different facial expressions, Jack and Davey holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling,"

"Please stop," Jack had his face hidden in his hands.

"These are so cute," Romeo gushed.

"Why do you have so many pictures of Davey?" Crutchie questioned. 

"It's... a coping mechanism," Jack admitted, "I miss him so much that I can't handle myself,"

"Why did you never go visit him?" Crutchie asked.

"There was never a good time," Jack sighed, "especially since my books are so popular now,"

"Called it, by the way," Maine smiled, "and, it's okay to miss Davey. You love him, I'm sure he misses you just as much, if not more,"

"Don't you video call him like EVERY NIGHT, though?" Race pointed out.

"Yeah, but it's not the same," Jack shook his head, "Race, you should know how that feels, you had to be away from Spot for two years,"

"Ugh, don't remind me. That didn't end well," Race groaned.

"Yeah," Jack remembered, "good thing Davey and I still have contact with each other, so the same thing won't happen,"

"You two still video chat every night, Spot would only do it twice a week," Race scoffed.

"It's because Jack and Davey are equally as clingy," Maine joked. 

"Why couldn't Spot have been the same way?" Race complained.

"You don't get to complain anymore, you and Spot have been married for two years," Maine pointed out.

"Speaking of marriage, Jack, are you going to propose to Davey when he gets back?" Crutchie asked.

"Probably not as SOON as he gets back," Jack admitted, "but eventually,"

"You don't have a ring yet, do you?" Crutchie rolled his eyes.

"Of course I do," Jack scoffed, "I'm just... working on something,"

"Jack Kelly always has to have something going on," Race was still looking at Jack's drawings of Davey, "I'm so jealous of these drawing talents,"

"I'm going to take that back, now," Jack took the sketchbook and closed it, "which reminds me, I need to go get more drawing paper,"

"Does anyone say anything about a 24-year-old man going to buy sketchbooks?" Maine questioned.

"I'm a semi-popular graphic novel author, the only thing anyone says about it is 'can I take a selfie with you,'" Jack chuckled, "and even that's rare,"

"I'd die to be as famous as you," Race scoffed.

"I'm not famous," Jack shook his head, "I'm semi-popular. I'll be famous if they ever make Muffin and Bear movies,"

"Oh my gosh that would be so cute," Maine gushed, "I would die,"

"What's happening in the next book?" Crutchie asked.

"I'm incorporating a baby bear and a mini muffin," Jack smiled.

"Awe, Brookie and Andy?" Maine asked.

"Yeah," Jack nodded, "how are they doing today?"

"They're hanging out with my moms and my grandma," Maine explained, "so, I assume they're doing well,"

Jack heard his phone go off, so he picked it up and smiled, "Davey's texting me, this is going to take a minute,"


Davey: I'm bored of studying, anything interesting to tell me?

Jack: I love you and I miss you

Davey: Just a few more months, Jackie.

Jack: 💓💗💖

Davey: I can't wait to get home.

Jack: I have everything ready for you. I'm picking you up from the airport when you get back.

Davey: June 21st!

Jack: Counting the days ❤️

Parentsies (Sequel to Newsies MS-HS AU)  chapter 1 coming June 1st, 2022! See you all there!

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