Treksies part 2 of 5: Pioneers

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"Doesn't Davey look adorable in his pioneer clothes?" Sarah found Katherine in the crowd of youth. 

"I'll say he does," Jack walked over to them.

"I'm so tired," Davey complained.

"You can sleep on the drive up there," Jack shrugged, "I hear it's a long one,"

More of their friends trickled in and joined the group. They chatted with each other and stayed mostly separate from the rest of the youth.

"Romeo, I'm pretty sure the pioneers didn't wear pastel purple button-up shirts," Katherine noticed what her friend was wearing.

"I'm pretty sure they didn't wear hiking boots, either," Romeo pointed out, "so I'm going to wear whatever color I look hot in. My other shirt is pastel pink, I'm going to alternate between them," 

"I think I'm going to wear the same outfit for most of it, but when we're absolutely done walking I'm going to change so I don't feel gross," Davey decided, "we are all going to stink so bad,"

"Good thing I remembered deodorant," Katherine chuckled.

All the youth split up into groups of about 5 to be driven to the trail. One group consisted of Katherine, Sarah, Davey, Jack, and a boy named Ashton Jones, and they all got in the car of Bishop Jones and his wife, who happened to be Ashton's parents.

"We know Katherine and Ashton of course, but we've never met the rest of you," Sister Jones noticed.

"These are some of my non-member friends," Katherine could have emitted 'non-member' from that sentence and still described all of her friends, "this is Jack and Sarah and Sarah's brother, Davey,"

The drive started out slow, Davey tried to get some sleep, but he was squished in the back of the car between Jack and Ashton, which wasn't comfortable.

Bishop Jones had some church songs playing quietly, but other than that, the only sound was the conversation Katherine and Sarah were having... something about getting their nails done, so the boys weren't exactly interested. 

"I have a joke," Ashton suddenly said, "a guy walks into a bar... ouch,"

Davey laughed, but Jack had heard the joke far too many times from Crutchie to be amused by it anymore. 

"Okay, another one," Ashton only had about 10 minutes worth of jokes, and they still had a 4-hour drive ahead of them.

"Who do you think is going to be in your trek family?" Ashton asked Jack and Davey.

"We don't really know anyone," Jack shrugged.

"Oh, right. I forgot. Well, whoever has my parents as their Ma and Pa is lucky! They brought a ton of snacks," Ashton nodded, "But I'm sure whoever's in my family will be cool, too,"

Davey finally dozed off about an hour into the drive, only to be woken up by Jack a little later. Everyone was getting out of the car to use the bathroom and stretch at a rest stop.

"Sarah, come let me braid your hair," Katherine sat on a bench.

"Davey, let me braid YOUR hair," Sarah pulled her brother over and they sat in front of Katherine.

"Is my hair long enough to braid?" Davey questioned.

"I can braid ANYONE'S hair," Sarah smiled.

It wasn't long before people started noticing this group of teenagers dressed as pioneers, and they couldn't help but stare.

"Oh," Davey covered his face.

"People probably think we're Amish or something," Jack laughed.

Katherine suddenly started singing a song by One Direction, and the others couldn't help but sing along. They eventually dissolved into giggles.

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