The background

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My name is Alexandria but I go by Alex. I'm 17 years old and I'm what you would call a "bad girl". I live with my mom and my two half sisters Nichole, which is 16 and my younger sister Katy who is 3. My dad left when I was 3 and I haven't seen him since. My dad was a drug addict and was very abusive. He would beat my mom when she was pregnant because he said it was her fault that she was pregnant. When I was born he thought I was a disgrace. He wanted to put me in a foster home but then he found out my mom was pregnant again so he just took off. We had to go to court a couple of times to see if my mom could even keep us because of her past. I blame him for who I have become.
My mom doesn't pay attention to us really, she's more focused in work and her boyfriend. I'm usually the one to take care of my little sisters, which is just horrible because I'm not the mom.
School is lame but it's my last year hopefully. I have to start taking turtoeung to get my grade up if I want to draduate but of coarse I have to go on Fridays which are my turn up days. Tomorrow is my first day and I really don't want to go but my moms making me.

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