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It was lunch and I walked to the cafeteria to find Elena.
I saw her sitting down and ran up to her
"Boo!" I said sitting on the table
"Alex I haven't seen you since my party where the hell have you been?" She said hugging me
"Places." I said laughing
We sat down by each other.
"Um so I've been hearing some stuff today and I need to talk to you about it!"
"Okay, go for it." I said laughing
"Um well, theres a rumor going on that you and the nerd, Cameron, are like dating? And I'm just confused because you're not the type to go for a nerd."
I looked at her, stuttering on what to say.
"well, we're not dating, but we're not nothing either I guess. And he's not a nerd, he's actually really nice and sweet. We went on a date on Saturday and I was meaning to call you when I got home, but stuff happened. But it's just, the last three days I've felt something I haven't felt in a while, I felt happiness. When we hang out, he makes me happy Elena, he actually makes me feel good and I haven't felt that in a long time. And I know it's not someone I usually go with, but this time, I feel something."
Elena smiled at me and just hugged me.

"Remember when you went to the hospital?"

"Yeah, sort of, it's all kind of a blur to me"

"Well, when you were there, in science every single day he'd ask about you, and how you were doing. I used to just tell him that you were fine and it was just the stomach flu, but he knew something was up. But he cared, and I didn't want to tell you because you wouldn't have really cared, but lex, I'm happy for you."
I let go and started tearing up.
She looked at me confused, "Alex, what is this bruise from? Why is your face swollen?"
"My mom."
"Alex are you okay? Do you need to stay the night at my house? You can if you want my parents will be fine with it."
"If she comes home, yeah I'll come, but as of right now with just me and Nichole there I think I'll just stay there."
"Okay well if you need to come over just come. You don't have to ask."
I hugged her tight, "I love you Elena."
And I lifted up my head and saw Cameron sitting on the bench reading a book.
"Hey Elena, thank you so much. And I really appreciate you being here for me. Thank you."
We stood up.
"Anytime, I'm always here, always. But hey I'm gonna go get lunch from Jon, I'll see you later lex."
And I walked over to Cameron and smiled.
I sat next to him and he put his book down, and I grabbed it
"The Dark Lord" I said in a deep voice
He laughed and took the book
"Hey It's a good book." He said laughing and pulling it out of my hands
And as he pulled it out of my hand our hands touched and I smiled at him and giggled a little.
He folded his into mine and moved me closer to him.
I smiled at him and just stared at him
"What are you doing later?" I said putting my chin on his shoulder
"I have a family dinner." He said looking down at our hands
"Oh, that's fun." I looked down a little
"You're welcome to come, if you'd like to?"
I smiled and for the first time it felt so incredibly real.
"I'd love to."
And then the bell rang.
I stood up and grabbed my backpack and then hugged Cameron.
I looked up at him and smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'll pick you up at 6?" He said letting go
"Yeah, okay." And I smiled and walked away.
The school day went on and the last bell finally rang at 3:10.
I walked out of art and headed to my car, and saw Nichole crying at the car.
I ran up to her and just hugged her.
"What's the matter? What happened?"
And she just cried and and cried and managed to get it out.
"She doesn't love us. She left. She's not here."
I stood there and just started to cry with her.
I managed to get both of us in the car.
"Look at me Nichole." I said grabbing her face.
"I know it sucks, and I'm sorry this is happening to you, to us. But I need you to know that I love you, and no matter what, I'll be there for you. Mom is not in the right place. She's not how she used to be.--"
And she interrupted me," that's not an excuse! She left Alex! She's gone!"
"Look at me Nichole, look! Mom does not get to determine our happiness. I love you so much Nichole and I wish you didn't have to deal with all of this, you are way to young. And I need you to tell me right now what you're feeling because I can't have you end up like me! I had no one to talk to when mom was crazy, and I feel like if I did I wouldn't be this way. Nichole, are you okay?"
She grabbed my arm and whipped her tears.
"I don't know. I wish I had her, you know? I wish I had her when I cry myself to sleep. I need her. I need a mom. And I don't know what to do half the time because you're out partying and it's like you never have time for your little sister."
"Nichole, I'm always there! You can always come in my room and lay in there. When you're feeling sad come to me, do not just sit in your room. I'm here for you, and mom might be gone and dad might be gone, but I'm not going anywhere."
I took a pause then started up again.
"We'll be okay. Here lets go home and you can call jay and invite him over."
She whipped her tears and I gave her a hug, then started up the car and headed home.
We got home and we went Into my room.
"Okay so, I'm going to go to dinner with Cameron at 6. Will you be okay here?"
"Yeah. I'll go to jays actually instead of him coming here." She said sitting on my bed
"Okay. So what should I wear? It's with his family."
"Already?!" She said standing up
"Well it's not really like that I guess, it's kind of more like a second date, but what should I wear!"
She went into my closet and came out with a red dress and some black tights and a black cardigan because the temperate was 34 degrees.
I nodded and then she left to the kitchen.
I sat there thinking that me going to this dinner, I'll have to eat. I began to panic. I can't eat. I can't. I need to feel a different pain to make mine go away. If I eat, I'll just throw it up. Yeah. I'll throw it up.
I went downstairs and me and Nichole laid on the couch and watched tv for about two hours and then realized it was 5 and I needed to go get ready.
I threw on my outfit and then curled my hair. I touched up my make up a little bit but it still looked fine. I brushed my teeth them put on some red lipstick and some black flats.
I grabbed my purse and my phone and heard a honk in the front yard and headed downstairs. I hugged Nichole and then the door bell rang.
I opened the door and Cameron similed.
"You look, absolutely beautiful."

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