The beginning of everything

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"Wake up lex, you need to get ready for school." My mom says lifting the sheets off of me
"Do I really have to? It's Friday and I'm tired." I said whining
"Yes ALEX get up. You need to get ready sand take Katy to school today. I have to leave for work. I need you to also take Nikki because Katherine can't take her today."
"Ugh fine." I said getting out of bed
" and don't forget you have tutoring today after school" she said while walking out
So I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I wash my face And do my makeup. I didn't put that much makeup on today I just stuck to the simple powder, foundation, blush, and a little smokey eye. I walked to my room and began to curl my hair with the wand.
After curling my hair I went into my closet grabbed a pair of black high wasted shorts and looked for a shirt.
"Nichole! I'm gonna kill you! Where the hell is my grey cuffed shirt!?" I said screaming
She walked into my room. "I don't have it!"
"Yes you do you wore it last! Just give me the damn shirt!"
"But I was going to wear it today!"
"Give me my freaking shirt it's not yours! Damn!"
She walked out and came back with the shirt.
"Here you go baby" she said throwing it at me
"Stop being a smart ass and just go get ready!"
So I threw on my shirt and put some white converse on and some rings on. I fixed my hair a little and then went downstairs and fed Katy and ate a couple bites of cereal.
It was 7:30 and we had to be out the door by about 8 because school started at 8:15.
I yelled at Nikki and told her we have thirty minutes.
Then I picked Katy up and went upstarts and brushed both of our teeth and then I sprayed some perfume and I was ready.
-Ding dong-
"ALEX someone is at the door!" Nichole yelled from her room.
"And you can't go get it?" I said walking to the door
I opened the door and saw Zach who was my moms boyfriend.
"Hello. Good morning."
"Hi, what are you doing here? My moms not home she's at work." I said confused
"I'm here to watch Katy. Your babysitter couldn't make it today so I came."
"Oh okay. Well here you go. We should probably be getting to school. You know where everything is right" I said handing him Katy.
"Yeah. Have a good day!" He said
~Zach is my moms on and off boyfriend. They've been dating for about two years. They've broken up several times, but he's a nice guy. However, Nichole isn't very fond of him~
"Come on Nichole!" I say yelling from the kitchen
I grab my bag andmy keys and head out the door.
It takes about 10 minutes to get to school.
"So how are you and jay?" I ask Nichole
"We're okay. What about you and Henry! Huh huh? Anything interesting?"
"Oh my gosh. We're not even dating!"
"But you know you want to. I mean it's been what? Two years since you've had a serious boyfriend?" she said giving me a nudge
"I know, but I'm just too much for him, I have too many problems." I said pulling into the school parking lot
"I think if he really likes you, he won't care about your problems." She said opening the door
"Eh we'll see. I'll see you after school. Am I taking you home after tutoring or do you have a ride?"
"Um I think I'm going over to jays."
"Don't do anything I would do." I said laughing putting my arm around her.
"Oh my gosh. I'll see you later alex." She said walking away.
I made my way to the ENGLISH buildings because I had English first period.
"Alex, hey wait up" I heard a voice from behind
I turned around to see my best friend elena.
"Hey girl!" I said hugging her
"So you coming to my party tonight? You have to it's gonna be the best one yet!" She said while walking
"I have tutoring today! And my moms making me take Katy and Nichole to dinner because she's going on date night."
"No! You have to come please! Just make Nichole take care of Katy at the house!" She said stopping me
"But my mom would kill me if she knew I let Nichole alone because she'll probably invite jay over and mom would kill me even more because I'll come home drunk. But then again I really want to party."
"So, just come!"
"Fine fine. Yes I'll go" I said smiling, " but I still have to go to tutoring.
"Okay! Yes! It's at 11! Be there hoe. Oh and Henry will be there." She said smirking while walking away
I just looked at her and laughed and went to english.
End of school
I walked out of TA which was my last period and went to the gym to go find my tutor.
On my way there I saw Henry. I thought he was coming torwards me but then as he got closer he was actually going torwards another girl. He hugged and kissed her.
I have no ideas why I got so mad I mean we weren't dating, but we were practically dating. I mean we've gone on several dates. I was so furious and just started to walk faster and faster to the gym.
I got into the gym and stood there for about five minutes until I got my tutor.
He came up to me.
"Hello, are you Alexandria."
Before I got my head up i whispered "yeah but I----" then I saw how cute he was. Holy actual shit.
"--am yes , I'm but yeah I go by Alex." I said pretty nervous.
"Okay. I'm Cameron . Follow me. We're going to go find a table."
So we got to the table and I couldn't help but stare.
"Umm so what should she get started on?" He said breaking the silence.
"Um well I really just need help with the math."
So we started on the math and we were doing it for about 30 minutes.
He moved his hand to turn the page as soon as I did and our hands touched. He left his there for a while then quickly moved it. And cleared his throat.
"Um so I think we're done for today right?" He asked
"Umm yeah. I think."
"Okay. So next Friday?" He started to pack his stuff.
I nodded and began to think about Henry and that girl. I was furious and mad and I can't believe he did that. I mean atleast tell me that he was into someone else. Then I got an idea .
"Um wait. Are you doing anything tonight?" I said standing up.
"Actually no, why?" He said smiling
"Um well my friend is having this party at her house and I can take anyone, and I was wondering if you wanted to go maybe? I mean you don't have to come if you don't want to."
Why the hell am I asking him? I mean he's not that popular, he probably hates parties,.
"I'd actually like that. I've never really gone to s party."
"Are you serious? You've got to be kidding." I said looking at him in the eyes.
"Yeah. Not joking. I'm practically a party virgin" he said laughing
"Okay well tonight will be your first time! Here's my number and you can just text me whenever you're ready so we can go together." I said giving him my number and writing it on his arm.
"Do you want me to pick you up or something?"
"Um sure. I'll give you directions."
"Okay so I'll see you then."
"Yeah, yeah you will." I began to walk away, turning around a couple of times, smiling.

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