The day after

22 1 1

*alexs pov*
I woke up at 7:48 to the sound of Katy crying.
I sat in my bed waiting for her to stop, but after 5 minutes it kept going.
So I got up and walked toward Katy's room meeting Nichole in there.
"I can't believe you're up on a weekend before 1 and you went to a party last night."
"Haha aren't you funny. Katy was crying like crazy. And wait. Cameron. Holy shit, what happened ? Where is he?" I said running to my room and grabbing my phone.
"He dropped you off around 3. And he took care of you lex." Nichole said holding Katy while walking into my room
"Wait, what do you mean?" I said while looking for my phone.
"He took you home and made sure you were safe at home. You threw up while trying to have sex with him, and he still took care of you."
I couldn't help but just look at her. I can't remember the last time someone actually took care of me.
I finally found my phone which was under all my sheets and began to text Cameron.
- hey, I'm super sorry about last night. Can we maybe go out later? Like to lunch or something? - Alex xx
I sat there waiting for a reply then finally looked up at Nichole.
She was laughing at me and then Katy began laughing.
After a couple minutes of no text, I put my phone down and went to go hop into the shower.
After I showered I hopped out and wrapped myself in a towel and walked to my room to check my phone.
I looked and smiled at what I saw, a text from Cameron.
-hey, yeah lunch sounds good. I can do 1 if that's okay with you? -cam

-yeah 1 sounds fine, where would you like to eat at? -Alex xx

-I'm fine with anywhere you want. We can just decide when we get together. -Alex xx

-okay sounds good, hope you're feeling better and I'll pick you up around 1 - cam

I looked at the time and saw it was 9:47 am and realized I had plenty of time to get ready.
My mom still hasn't came home, I mean that's no surprise.
So I set my phone down and began to look for an outfit, so I walked into my closet and looked for some black jeans.
I found my jeans and picked out a grey shirt and a leather jacket.
I didn't know what I should do with my hair so I just threw it up into a bun and pulled out a couple of pieces from the front to make it look a little messier.
After doing my hair and picking out an outfit, I began to put my make up on, and all I did was put on foundation, powder, blush, mascara, and I winged out my eye.
After doing my makeup I went to pick up my phone and saw it was already 12:03 pm so I threw on my combat boots and headed down stairs.
"Hey, what are you all dressed up for?" Nichole asked while feeding Katy
"I'm going out with Cameron, to lunch." I said walking towards the table
"What? Really? I thought you would've dropped him the moment you realized that he actually cared for you."
I sighed and looked at her and began to talk underneath my breathe.
"That's not what I'm going to do."
"I couldn't even understand you lex."
"That was the point. I'm going at 1 though so I need you to watch Katy for me."
"No no no. I watched her all last night, it's your turn."
"No. Please Nichole, please. I really do need to apologize to him and also thank him. Please nic."
"Ugh, fine I guess. But when you get home, you're watching her for the rest of the night"
I got up and got a cup and went to the fridge to get some water out.
I stood there looking at the "to do list" on the fridge and read "eat today" and right as I was about to open the fridge Nichole turned and looked at me.
"Eat today Alex."
I looked at her and just smiled at her.

*backstory of eating disorder*
When I was 15 I was severely obese. I was only 5'2 and weighed almost 200 pounds. I joined the cross country team, but after weeks of running I saw no change. I had no idea what else to do so I googled it and some girl said she lost more than half her weight by starving herself and making herself throw up. So after reading what other people had to say, I began to do something I'm still not proud of. I began to make myself throw up. I began to starve myself, only allowing myself to eat 300 calories a day, but most days I would make myself not eat any thing at all. After about two months a bunch of people started to notice and I went from being severely obese to being anorexic. My friends would talk about it behind my back, and my family could hardly even look at me. I didn't eat, I hardly slept, I threw up whatever I did eat, and before you know it I ended up in the hospital. They kept me in the hospital for about two weeks and had to pump food into me. When I got out of the hospital I felt better, I felt like I was normal and I wasn't that "obese girl" but that feeling didn't last long. After being out of the hospital for 3 months I began to gain more weight, but to everyone they told me it made me look healthier, but it become a huge problem for me. You see, an eating disorder is not a joke, it turns into a mental and physical illness. I hated looking at myself and to this day, I still hate looking at my body, but it's still haunts me today. But I've quit throwing up, just I still don't eat as much.
*end of background*
So I pored a huge glass of water and started to chug it. My head hurt and so did my stomach, but I figured it was just from the party and too much drinking last night so I grabbed a banana and took about three bites out of it and then took some IB prophen to help with my head ache.
I went to the bathroom and then headed into the living room and turned on the tv.
I changed the channel to Parks and Recreation and after a couple minutes of that I remembered I hadn't even put on deodorant on or perfume so I ran upstairs and put on some. I also grabbed my phone and saw a text from cameron
-leaving now. -cam

So I went into Nichole's room and saw her and Katy both passed out on the couch so I threw blanket on top of both of them and shut the door quietly. I grabbed my purse and turned off the tv.
I looked at myself one more time in the mirror just to see if I looked okay, and then I heard the doorbell ring.
I opened the door and Cameron smiled, "hey."
I couldn't help but just to look at him.
After a couple seconds of silence I finally talked, "we should probably get going?" I said closing the door.
We both walked side by side and then got to the car. He opened my car door and all I could do was smile.
We got in the car and he asked, "so where are we heading?"
"Um anywheres fine really. Just maybe somewhere a little quieter? So we can actually hear ourselves talk?"
"Okay. I know the perfect place." He said smiling
I texted Elena knowing she still probably has a hangover, but I needed her to know.
-Elena! I'm going to lunch with Cameron. Come over when I get home. Lots of love -Alex .xoxo

I set my phone down and he turned on the music glancing every couple of minutes.
I set my hand on my seat practically letting him know it was okay to hold it, and after a couple minutes of him not trying I moved my hand on to my lap, but as soon as I did that he grabbed it and held it.
He smiled and then pulled into a parking spot.
"We're here."
To be continued (:
Please leave some feedback because I'd love to see what you guys have to say.
I'll be updating later today or early tomorrow !

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