"Come on, lets get out of here"

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He pulled me inside and brought me to his room.
We talked for hours, we talked about life and what we feel and how crazy we are. I laughed so much with him. I smiled with him. I talked with him. I slowly began to fall in love with him. He told me about how the first time he saw me.
We were lying on his bed me on my back and him on his side facing me.
"the first time I saw you was freshman year, you were so beautiful. You took my breathe away. I had glasses and braces, and you had beautiful teeth and beautiful eyes. I remember I stood there, amazed by your beauty. And then I saw this guy come and he swept you off your feet and kissed you-"
I interrupted, "hhhhenry."
"Yeah, Henry. And I slowly walked away as I saw. Throughout the year I would see you around and I would try to go talk to you, but I as soon as I thought I had the courage, it left and I couldn't go. Then came sophomore year and you changed, you were still so beautiful, but you changed in a way that wasn't in looks in was in how you act. You started to miss school and almost everyday I saw you switching guys, but at the end of the day I could still see you with Henry. And then junior year came, and I hardly saw you anymore. Rumors fled the school that you ended up in a mental hospital, and I wanted so bad to visit you. A few months later you came back, you were so skinny. And the next thing you know you ended up my lab partner. You hardly showed up, and when you did you were high"
I began to tear up.
"You were so beautiful. I just wanted to hold you. Then now senior year. I saw your name on the tutoring list, and I switched my person so I could have you. I didn't know if you and Henry were still together but I took my chances. And now, here I am, laying down with the girl I've always dreamt about...."
I smiled huge and just grabbed him and kissed him. The kiss didn't even feel normal. It was so passionate, I didn't want to ever stop. Hearing how he felt about me all these years, made me feel so amazing. He flipped me over and I ended on top of him. We were making out and he started to move my shirt up.
I pulled back and he stopped.
"Sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to pressure you into anything. I'm so sorry." He said nervously sitting up
"No, no" I grabbed his hands, "I've never felt this way. Ever. And I know if I go to fast with you I'll ruin everything."
"That's impossible. You can't ruin this." He said and grabbed my face and kissed me.
It felt like time was in slow motion and what just happened with my mom, didn't happen, and how I felt earlier, I don't feel that way now. A couple minutes went by and my phone starting buzzing, and I pulled it out of my pocket releasing our lips, and he put his hands behind his head.
-hey, please come home, mom left please come home- Nikki

"I think I have to go, my sister needs me home." I said slowly starting to get off of him
He pulled me back and smiled, "no, already?" He said with a drowning face

"Yes, already." I said getting up and he walked me to the car and drove me home. The ride home he held my hand, and I felt like I never wanted to let go.
He walked me to my door and hugged and kissed me.
"Promise me you won't forget about me by tomorrow? You know because we have school and people can't see you with the nerd." He said sarcastic while holding me by my waist.
"No, what are you going to forget about me because you'll be with your little friends?"

"I could never." He said letting go of me. And I smiled as he walked away and opened the door. I ran upstairs to see Nikki asleep with Katy beside her, I smiled and put a blanket over her, i grabbed another and slept next to them. This was the first time in my life, I didn't cry myself to sleep."

Morning came around fast, with it already being 5:30. I got up and picked Katy up and took her to the bathroom and bathed her. After I bathed her I went downstairs and got her bottle and set her down in her chair and turned the tv on. Nikki finally rolled out of bed and started to get ready, and I need to start getting ready too. I picked Katy up and put her in her room in her play pen and went into the bathroom, took a quick showerS when I got out I did the normal thing like put face lotion on, make up, blow dried my hair and got some clothes on. Today's weather was bellow 20 degrees so I put on some leggings with s white not sweater and a puffy jacket and some tall high boots. After taking a couple looks in the mirror I added a scarf to make it cuter. I sprayed some perfume and put on deotarent and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. The time was already 7;10 so I hurried up and ate some cereal while Nikki ate some pancakes. 7:30 rolled around now and Katy's babysitter showed up, and now Nikki and I left.
In the car it was mostly silent in our part because she was talking to jay on the phone.
We arrived at school and Nikki and I went our separate ways to school. I still had about 20 minutes to kill before class started to I went to go find Elena to fill her in.
I walked to the normal spot, and as I got closer I saw Elena with a guy, I was shocked to see as I got closer that that guy was Henry. I walked faster and faster and I got to her.
"WHAT THE FUCK ELENA?" I said basically screaming my head off. They broke apart and Elena stood up so fast. I found myself in tears.
"Alex, this is not what it looks like-"
I interrupted, "then what the fuck is it? Huh? Tell me." I said getting closer to her.
"I like him okay. I'm sorry." She said shaking her head.
"After everything! After fucking everything Elena. I would've dropped anything for you! You were everything to me, now you're absolutely nothing to me. You mean nothing to me. Go live a great life with Henry." I said in tears starting to walk away.
"Alex please stop!" Elena said running to me
I turned around, "fuck you Elena. Out of all people, I would've never thought you'd do this to me."
I walked away crying like crazing. As I started to walk further, I heard someone calling me, I didn't turn around because I thought it was Elena, but the person ran up and it was Cameron.
"Hey hey what's wrong." He said stopping me and pulling off my hood.
"Nothing. Please let me go." I said trying to get away from him
"Alex. Stop. Talk to me please." He said turning me around and putting the hair behind my ears.
"I saw Elena and Henry kissing." I said crying
"Elena as in your best friend and Henry as in your ex?"
"Yes. Why would she do that, she knew I loved-" and I cut myself off.
"You loved him?" Cameron said, his voice cracking.
"Yes. I think. I don't know." I said lost with words.
"Come on, let's get out of here." He said smiling while grabbing my hand and leading me out.

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