Chapter 17

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Imma make the car ride longer cause I can (⌐■_■)

The car slowed as the two finally reached the Motel that Jay had been staying in. Poor guy... having to wait all frightened in a small room for the mighty knight Tim to rescue him. On the other hand (Y/N) didn't feel bad at all. The moment she just shared with Tim gave her a deeper view into his character, making her care about him even more. She also got a lot of information on the case she's working on, which definitely wasn't bad.

As Tim pulled into the driveway of the hotel parking lot, he carefully parked his car in one of the many free spaces. Before exiting he turned to (Y/N) one last time. "Are you tired? I know you didn't sleep all night and it's already morning." Quickly glancing to the back of the car he smiled before turning back to the tired woman, "Would you like to lay in the back? I have quite the setup for times like these." He asked pointing towards the back seat. (Y/N) looked at the wonderful seat that seemed to be the land of blankets.
(Y/N)s tired eyes and aching body rejoiced as they imagined laying amongst that fluffy pile of blankets in the back, falling asleep surrounded by Tims scent.

"I would love that." She answered immediately exiting the car before him and hurrying into the back cuddling as many blankets as she could hold in her arms.

Tim watched her, slightly shocked at her behaviour, but then smiled sweetly at the relaxed woman. This woman had almost lost her life today and all he could do is send her into the back of the car. How he wished he could do more for her. He hasn't known her for long but one thing he was absolutely sure of, was that she was an amazing person worthy of protection. Recently he's been feeling this weird urge to protect her even though he knew all too well that she could handle herself just fine, probably being stronger than him in some fields.
Tim tried to shake this feeling off many times but it just wasn't working. Abandoning the thought he walked over to Jays room, leaving (Y/N) alone with her many new friends.

(Y/N) didn't even try to listen in on what the two were saying, her overwhelming urge to sleep had gotten the better of her. It had been too long since she could relax. The past week has been painted with the colours of anxiety and paranoia. She had never known the feeling of being watched over until now. Her police department dealt with a few stalkers over the years and she was always confused why the victim's looked so distraught. How selfish she was, how she wished she treated those people with more respect. Of course she never spat in their faces and told them to fuck off, but investigating a stalker had always been the lowest priority on her list of duties.

Without (Y/N) noticing Tim had returned, now standing in front of the car looking over at someone, presumably Jay. "Is the girl riding with you?" Jays distant voice tore her out of her thoughts, finally noticing that Tim was back. If Jay's voice was so distant, that means he has his own car and that means she'll be all alone with Tim. She didn't know if that was a blessing or a curse, but she couldn't deny her excitement.
Tim didn't answer his friends question, so he probably just nodded, but then he said something that instantly made her freeze up.

"Hey Jay... You know if Alex is still out there, he'll find us sooner than later."

Jay gave no response to Tims chilling line heading to his car in silence.

As the car door opened and the fresh air hit (Y/N)s face she remembered she hadn't asked an important question, a very important question in fact. Where the fuck were they going.

Sitting up from her comfy position she looked over to Tim sitting in front of her. He hadn't started the car yet, probably waiting for Jay to take the lead.

Noticing (Y/N) getting up from amongst the blankets, he turned his head back looking at (Y/N) directly into her tired and exhausted (E/C) eyes.

"Something wrong?" He asked noticing a bothered look on her face.

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