Chapter 13

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"What the hell happened." Tims worried eyes scanned her body noticing multiple wounds, small and big.

(Y/N) still terrified of what happened earlier pushed passed him into the kinda known house. "Shut the door I don't know if I was followed." She instructed leaning against the wall desperately trying to catch her breath.

"Followed by Who? What's going on?" Closing the door like she instructed he approached the hurt woman desperately trying to make sense of the situation.

"Th-There was this thing this monster in the forest. Some c-crazy person tried to kill me." She tried to explain stuttering over her words rubbing her sore neck with her freezing hands.

"Kill you? Monster? Wha-" It almost seemed like a light lit up in Tims head as his eyes widened in fear.
"Did this monster look like the one on the tapes?" He got closer to the shaking (Y/N) placing his hands on her shoulders making her look at him.

"Y-yes." She muttered quietly scared of his reaction more tears streaming down her hurt cheek.

"Shit" He cursed turning away from her running a hand through his messy locks.

"SHIT" He yelled punching the wall in frustration making (Y/N) flinch.

Tim gently grabbed her wrist pulling a confused (Y/N) towards the same couch she sat on a few days ago. His angered expression never left his face as he examined her arms and legs. His mood worsened every time he'd find a single cut on her limbs his actions becoming more violent gripping her arm tightly.

Everything within him seemed to explode as he found the forming bruise around her neck. Calming himself down he put both of his hands around her neck caressing it carefully making sure he didn't put her in more pain than she already was.

"This is how he tried to kill you?" He asked harshly trying to calm himself down by taking deep breaths.

"Yea, wasn't a really effective way." She replied with a playful tone trying to lighten up the mood.

The disapproving serious look on his tired face shut her up immediately as she looked down to his chest letting him examine the bruises further.

Tim's hands left her fragile neck as he turned away from her in silence waking in the opposite direction. (Y/N) sat patiently on the couch not having the strength to get up anyways. Using her time alone she looked around the room. Trash still littered the room like last time she ended up here. She could be mistaken but it looked worse than before.

The sound of Tims footsteps grew nearer as he entered the living room once again tons of bandages, little and large, and a freezing zip lock bag full of ice in hand. (Y/N) smiled at his caring gesture happily excepting the bag of ice. The ice seemed to burn her neck in a comfortable way kinda numbing the uncomfortable pain.

"You know just a bag of ice is okay. I don't need all those bandages." (Y/N) interrupted Tim as he was about to cover her hand with disinfectant alcohol.

Tim quickly glanced at her before pouring the alcohol on her hand. (Y/N) surprised by the sudden stinging pain in her hand tried her best to rip it out of Tims grip dropping the bag of ice in the process. Tim didn't let go as he turned her hand towards the woman showing her the damage the forest inflicted on her hand.

(Y/N) eyes widened in shock as little stones and other types of forest dirt snuggled into the painful wounds on her hand.

Taking out a rather familiar pair of tweezers, covering it in alcohol not wanting to infect the wound, Tim slowly started to take out the unwanted guests in her hand. The room fell silent,(Y/N) wincing once in a while biting down on her lip trying to handle the stinging pain.

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