Chapter 12

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The light of her old flashlight flickered slightly as she fought through the dense forest. Small pointy twigs stabbed her sensitive face from every angle. She tried to desperately avoid them still moving further into the dark forest.

Everything seemed normal. Not even a little piece of trash laid on the forest floor and there also weren't any obvious footprints. There weren't any signs that a person ever walked through this part of the forest.

Her eyes focused on the tall trees around her mistaking every second tree as a person.

The cold handle of the hunting knife sent shivers done her spine as her grip on it tightened. This knife was the only thing that could protect her from whatever was in here. If the tapes were true there could be a handful of ruthless killers in here.

Why did she enter this forest again? Was she really this stupid? When did she make the absolutely fabulous decision too enter a stalker filled forest? She didn't even see the man near the forest so why did she enter it? In her mind it made sense because according to the tapes the forest is their favorite hangout spot. Something just drove her into the forest, if it was her own decision she didn't know. She was beginning to question everything, feeling manipulated.

Even while questioning her actions her body seemed to move on it's own deeper into the forest in an unknown direction. The presence of her sharp knife was weirdly calming almost like a loyal partner who never left her side.

She noticed her trembling hands as the almost dead flashlights light never stood still. Was she this scared? Why couldn't she feel it? She felt numb, was she cold? Everything warned her to turn back, go back into the little apartment and just sleep it off but she couldn't. A unknown feeling of desire manipulated her body as she kept on going. Something within her needed to see that creature she saw on the tapes and in front of her own apartment building.

A sound of a twig breaking in half woke her out of her dangerous trance instantly knowing she was screwed. How could she forget the part of the tapes where that thing tries to kill everybody he comes in contact with? Or manipulate them... As soon as the word manipulate popped up in her mind she knew exactly what was going on. That thing was manipulating her. Maybe even make her a sort of slave like that Alex guy.

Her fear catching up with her she instinctively turned around prepared to make a run for it. Her eyes suddenly started to tear up as she broke down coughing. The sudden cough attack scared her as she hasn't smoked in about six hours. Even tho she shouldn't be coughing she couldn't stop as she fell towards the forest ground trying to catch her breath. Twigs and tinny pointy rocks stabbed her hands as she tried to hinder falling face first into the ground dropping the knife in the process. The flashlight which fell on the ground finally gave up it's light surrounding her in the dim shine of the moon.

Forcing herself up on her feet she looked around the forest feeling an unpleasant presence. Suddenly she noticed something move immediately directing her attention towards it. Just a few feet away from her stood a tall faceless man seeming illuminated by the moon and staring directly at her.

Her coughing worsened as she struggled to keep herself upwards. The figure terrified her as she couldn't help but stare at it. Whatever that thing was she knew, she couldn't keep staring at it.

The coughing slowly started to better as it was replaced with that unpleasant high pitched noise she heard earlier. Covering her ears she let out a painful scream feeling like her head was about to explode. Her body trembled in fear as she shut her eyes tightly now unaware of her surroundings. The darkness didn't help her as the sound continued making her wish she were dead.

Her eyes opened instantly as she felt herself falling towards the ground again. What seemed like in slow motion she hit the pointy forest floor her head nearly missing a huge rock. The fall knocked her already small amount of air out of her lungs leaving her gasping for it. She didn't seem to get any as her fear and adrenaline took over.

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