Chapter 6

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(Y/N) sat awkwardly on the couch as Tim carefully tried to remove the few glass shards that got stuck in her leg. He was using some kind of tweezers which he just happened to have lying around. She didn't even wanna know why he had them on the kitchen floor. Tim was too concentrated on steadying his shaking hands to realize her impatient look.

She came here for an interrogation, not for a doctors appointment. Well it was kinda her fault for kneeling in broken glass but she was trying to help him. Even tho she was annoyed by this time wasting activity she was still kinda flattered by his demand to help her. She still wanted to ask him more questions tho. That never changed.
(Y/N) watched excitedly when he reached the last shard pulling it out slowly and placing it in the bowl he got with the rest of the glass shards.

"That looks like the last. I'm not sure if maybe tinier shards got a bit deeper into the skin... For that I'll need to look clos-"
"I'm good! I can take care of myself at home." (Y/N) really didn't want to waste anymore time pulling her legs away from Tim.

Tim slowly stood up again bowl of bloody glass shards in hand turning towards the kitchen. (Y/N) used her time alone to further inspect her pants. Tiny bloody holes were now decorating the plain blue jeans. She really didn't want to buy a new pair. Those 30$ could buy her lunch for a week. But on the other hand it would be hard living with only one pair of jeans. Think of all the sudden laundry she would need to do.

An idea flashed in her head remembering all of those cheesy teen magazines she read. Ripped jeans were a like a trend now so she would just have to ruffle up these jeans some more and get the blood out.

Her fashion thoughts were interrupted as Tim came to the living room an ashtray in hand.
"You smoke?" He asked holding up the filled ashtray.

Digging through her jacket pocket she pulled out her half emptied cigarette packet along with her favorite lighter. Tim smiled placing the ashtray on the floor sitting next to it leaning his back against the couch. Following his lead (Y/N) slid down the couch and onto the floor also sitting next to the ashtray. Pulling a cigarette from her pack she lit it quickly taking in a deep breath of smoke. Holding in the smoke for a bit before letting clouds of smoke escape her lips and nose. Tim also started smoking slowly starting to spacing out.

(Y/N) looked at the man besides her noticing the sad look in his eye. "Something wrong?"  She turned her head a bit tapping off the ashes in the ashtray. Tim snapped out of his daze looking back at (Y/N)'s tired look.

"Yea just a lot has happened these past months."
He fueled her curiosity again jumpstarting her detective interrogation skills.

"Something about Marble Hornets?" She hadn't  forgotten the name yet. Something would have been wrong if she did, she couldn't stop thinking about it. The name itself was so peculiar so unnerving even. She couldn't wait to watch it.

Tim hummed slightly leaning his head back on the couch exhaling a decent amount of smoke looking over to (Y/N).
"I only knew you for a day and a few days in high school. You should be lucky I told you all that." His tone was a bit threatening surprising (Y/N) a little. She had reached his limit. She won't get anything more out of this man today. The only chance might be to befriend him maybe set up daily meetings. She smiled to herself. That would get her out of the office and out of her boring daily routine.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Tim inhaled another puff of smoke examining her smile.
"How do you like the idea of a daily meet up? I can help you and your friend with this marble hornets stuff. As a detective that is my job." (Y/N)'s smile widened while proposing that thrilling plan.

Tim averted his gaze staring at his feet skeptically. "I-I don't know... I don't think Jay wants to involve the police in this."
"What do you think?" (Y/N) leaned in slightly playing with her cigarette impatiently.
"I think you'll get to involved with Marble Hornets anyways. Soon probably being forced to join us." Tim almost sounded a little sad glancing at (Y/N) with pity in his eyes.

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