Chapter 5

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(Y/N) reached into her jacket pocket pulling out the crumbled picture of the tunnel. She hadn't taken it out of her pocket in fear she might lose it. Trying to flatten out the picture she stretched it lightly before showing it too Tim.

Tim's eyes widened all color fading from his face. His panicked looked made her raise an eyebrow.
"Are you familiar with this location?" (Y/N) asked handing him the picture. She knew the answer but she needed too know if he was going to play along and tell her the truth.

Tim took his time staring at the picture with one hand while holding the coffee mug in the other. His shaking worsened some drops of coffee spilling on the couch staining it. Tim slowly handed back the picture gripping his mug with both hands now trying to steady his shaking.
"Y-Yes I know that place. It's in Rosswood park." He mumbled nervously sipping on his mug.

"Do you know about the supposed murder that happened there about 2 years ago." (Y/N) placed her coffee down on the floor crossing her arms leaning back into the couch.


A lie

"Have you visited that exact location lately?"


Another lie...

He wasn't playing along, not like she wanted him too. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes briefly. Maybe she should try the brutal way of interrogation. Would that be to risky? That poor man already looked so shaken up, should she really do this? Thinking for a bit she decided to try it. She could figure out more this way and maybe save him from something. His lies would get them nowhere.

Taking a deep breath once again she started to speak with a threatening tone.
"Look Tim I'm going to be totally honest with ya. I saw you."

Tim looked up at her with a shocked but terrified expression on his face. More coffee spilled out of his mug the violent shaking not seeming to stop.
"I saw you with that other guy. I also heard you talking... maybe about the victim?" (Y/N) knew what she was doing was unprofessional but somehow she had the feeling she wouldn't get anything out of him without telling him exactly what he saw. Tims shaking did worry her but now she had too keep going.

"I heard you guys scream as well. The other guy running away from something that I couldn't really see. When I noticed you didn't come out I ran after you but... you disappeared."

"Were you stalking us?" Tim stood up mug in hand slowly backing away from the couch, "Are you with him!"

"Am I with who?" (Y/N) slowly stood up as well approaching Tim carefully.

"With Alex! With that.. that thing!" Tim kept backing up not wanting her to reach him.

"Who's Alex?" This was definitely the weirdest interrogation she had ever had. Tim had pure fear and panic in his eyes. (Y/N) felt bad for using this intense form of interrogation on him but to be fair he looked emotionally unstable in the beginning. She needed this information too help him, she wanted to help him. That was her job.

"He's this dude that keeps tormenting me and an old friend." Tim wasn't speaking clearly probably too scared to think about his words making it almost impossible too lie.

(Y/N) was about to ask a new question as he suddenly fell down spilling the coffee on the carpet floor breaking the mug as well coughing violently. Surprised by his sudden collapse she rushed down too his aid not minding the puddle of coffee and glass she was kneeling in.

His coughing didn't stop as he pointed towards something.
"What? What do you need me to get?" (Y/N) herself was now panicking looking around the living room to see anything that might help him.

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