Chapter 8

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The forest was quiet as the awkward group of three slowly walked along the old trails. None of them really knew where they were going following a sort of feeling. (Y/N) trusted Jay in leading her to some kind of evidence thinking that starting a probably bad conversation would stop him from doing so.

Tim just kinda followed looking towards the ground watching the dead leaves crumble under his step. Dead fall leaves were already on the forest floor. Kicking a few rocks one accidentally hit (Y/N)'s leg making her turn around in surprise stopping abruptly. He smiled apologetically shrugging slightly.
(Y/N) immediately knew what was going on smiling back forgiving him for his minor action. Tim caught up to her now standing right beside her. (Y/N) also began to walk next to him enjoying his quiet company.

They were still walking in some unknown direction slowly starting to worry (Y/N). Jay was a bit further ahead. Way further ahead, to the point where the trees sometimes hid him from view. She was about to question their exact whereabouts before Tim suddenly spoke.

"Hey did you watch those videos I told you about." He spoke quietly... nervous for some reason. 
"Yes I did. Watched about forty or so."

Tims face suddenly grew dark his eyes avoided her gaze as she looked at him strangely.
"Is something wrong? It didn't look like you did anything wrong on those tapes." He didn't seem to calm down now looking at her worryingly.
"You saw tape 35, didn't you?" Tim coughed suddenly surprising (Y/N) a bit.

She desperately tried to remember a bit, stopping quickly. Tim noticing her lack of movement stopped as well slightly in front of her.
"Was it that one with Jay and that house. OH and Alex... They unmasked the man to be you... That's the one right?" (Y/N) looked up to a panicked Tim staring at her in disbelief. 

"Wait you know that?" Tim asked shocked.
"Yes of course. I told you I watched the tapes." (Y/N) wasn't fazed one bit. Something was hindering her from fully comprehending it.
"Why are you... Why?"

"What you think I believe those tapes?" She giggled a bit placing a hand on his shoulder. It was in the car when she decided not to believe those "tapes". Her drunk self might have believed it but sober her? Not so much.

Could you blame her? Jay and Tim were claiming that some tall faceless creature was stalking them while some other psycho tried to kill them. It was too hard to comprehend, too hard to believe.

"What? I thought you wanted too help us?" Tim didn't move seeming almost betrayed by her words.
"I do... You got to understand me Tim. What you're claiming to be true is ridiculous. I want to believe you but I need proof. What kind of Detective would I be if I believed everything without evidence?" She tried to explain almost feeling guilty for not believing him. His heartbroken expression hitting her hard.

Tim tried to understand her, walking away from her before stopping once again. Looking back at the  detective not being able to stand still constantly rubbing his face.
"So what will happen when you find evidence?"
"I don't know. Take it all in I guess. Start a serious investigation may-"
"What will you t-think of me? After what you saw." Tim interrupted her pacing back and forth nervously.
"Tim, why are you acting like this? Is there something wrong? This conversation escalated quite quickly." (Y/N) was worried for the poor dude slowly starting to approach the nervous man.

"You will think that it was all my fault!" Tim suddenly yelled surprising (Y/N) making her back away quickly. What the hell happened to the calm Tim Wright she met earlier?

Collapsing to the ground Tim started to cough violently once again scaring (Y/N) even more. She was so shocked, she couldn't do anything. He was acting so weird, so strange.
Jay was somehow gone so she needed to do something and fast. Running towards him feeling a slight deja vu remembering yesterday's incident. She knew he needed his pills, he needed them last time. The only problem was that they were located in a forest. A forest without a handy basket of live saving pills. Could he have some in his jacket?

Tim never stopped coughing as she forcefully flipped him over so she could see all of his jacket pockets. Tapping him down like she did thousand of times on drunk civilians hoping to find some sort of bottle. She found a packet of cigarettes and some random trash but no bottles. Not giving up she tried the other pocket almost laughing with joy when she found the bottle. Remembering the child safety mechanisms she opened the bottle in a hurry taking out two pills.

Tim seemed to notice what she was doing accepting the pills taking them immediately. After a while he seemed to calm down, sitting on the dirt trail whipping some drool off his chapped lips with his sleeves. His already messy hair was now covered in dirt and even some dead leaves.

(Y/N) plucked the leaves out of his hair before standing up looking down at him worryingly. Should she believe those tapes? Was it smart to believe those tapes? If those tapes were real then Tim would have had a serious disorder. She had a feeling that sticking him in a mental institute would be a terrible idea.
Tim got up slowly (Y/N) helping him balance himself.

Rushed steps could be heard from behind them as a panicked Jay approached them pulling (Y/N) off of Tim. (Y/N) was a bit offended by Jays actions stumbling back trying to regain her balance. Jay checked Tim for any kind of injuries not trusting (Y/N) one bit constantly looking over his shoulder. (Y/N) decided it was best to just let him and Tim be. It wasn't worth a fight. As a fight would definitely make the situation thousand times worse.

Jay seemed to relax a bit glancing over to a worried but offended (Y/N).
"Thanks for helping him." Jay stated with an apologetic tone stepping closer to her.
"I'm a cop that's what I do" (Y/N) smiled weakly looking over Jays shoulder glancing at Tim. He seemed better, running his hand through his hair getting the dirt out of it.

"Has Tim been doing this often?" (Y/N) asked Jay quietly not wanting Tim to hear.
"What?" Jay replied also with a hushed voice.
"Coughing fits, mood swings... that kind of stuff." (Y/N) explained, Jay seeming to recognize all of the symptoms.
"Yea, coughing definitely but I haven't really experienced a lot of mood swings. I did notice smaller ones." Jay  pointed his camera to the ground, his voice turning in to a subtle whisper.

Even with Jays quiet voice (Y/N) understood everything he said replying with the same quiet voice, "Did something suspicious happen recently?"
"Not really...Well he still has a GoPro that I gave him. He hasn't returned it since, you know the tunnel." The new information that Jay just gave her made her curious once again. Curious towards Tim. He just seemed so interesting.

"What are you guys talking about?" The familiar smell of nicotine woke (Y/N) out of her thoughts. Tim now stood next to them calmly smoking a cigarette. (Y/N) was happy he calmed down but somehow it seemed too fast. It was totally possible for him to recover so fast but it still creeped her out a bit.

Thinking back to the tapes and the masked figure, which was supposedly Tim, she remembered the behavior of said figure. He never really hurt anyone but he did attack Jay and Alex on multiple occasions. His behavior was almost animalistic attacking swiftly and fast. It didn't seem like he had any sort of real combat skill, his fighting technique being uncoordinated and sloppy.

She couldn't really think the Tim she was talking to earlier, the Tim that seemed frightened and sad, to act such a way. The idea seemed crazy but at the same time totally possible.

(Y/N) watched Tim blow out a cloud of smoke the wind bringing it her direction. The cloud of smoke hit her face which normally never bothered her but now something seemed to happen. A high pitched noise seemed to blast in her ears making her cringe. Scanning her surroundings quickly she noticed that Tim and Jay seemed perfectly fine. A bit confused she looked around again not spotting anything the noise still continuing slowly getting louder.

Jay seemed to notice her distress placing a hand on her shoulder steading her. (Y/N) eyes widened in wonder as the noise stopped immediately after Jay touched her.

"You okay?" Jay asked cautiously his camera close to her.
Slightly annoyed by the camera she pushed it away carefully smiling at him reassuringly.
"Yea I'm fine. Just feel a little strange that's all." Jay nodded trusting her judgment leaving her alone once again.

A bad feeling overtook her as she looked deeper into the forest.

Something wasn't right here

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